High-Q | 8 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 8
פרק שלישי
– אנגלית
19. According to the second paragraph, people who use buildings -
(1) do not appreciate the architect's efforts for making the design 'right' (2) regard them solely as pieces of art (3) judge them chiefly by their utility (4) are incapable of enjoying their beauty
20. The further we go back in history -
(1) the more blurred and trivial are the functions of art (2) the more clear and colorful are the features of art (3) the more bizarre and exact are the functions of art (4) the more strange and unique are the features of art
21. Among primitives (line 20) -
(1) the practical aspects of their work were of great concern to image makers (2) paintings and sculptures were regarded solely as objects of great beauty to be enjoyed only in museums and exhibitions (3) distinctions between the approach to building and the approach to image making were much more prominent (4) sculptors and painters never dreamed that one day their art would be evaluated in terms of practicality
22. The best title for this passage is -
(1) The practical aspect of art - pros and cons (2) Modern art versus primitive art (3) The superiority of art (4) Observations on the different meanings of art
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