High-Q | 8 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 8
פרק שני
– אנגלית
20. In order to take a picture of a specimen while still being able to look at it through the microscope at the same time, one would need -
(1) a compound microscope (2) an objective made of two or more optical elements
(3) a binocular head (4) a triocular head
21. According to the passage, the three basic optical elements of the microscope are -
(1) the objective lens, the lens, and the mirror (2) the objective lens, the head, and the eyepiece (3) the objective lens, the eyepiece, and the mirror (4) the objective lens, the eyepiece, and the glass slide
22. A good title for this passage would be -
(1) History of the Microscope (2) The Basic Structure of Microscopes (3) Uses of the Microscope in the 17th Century (4) How to Use Your Microscope
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