High-Q | 8 סימולציה


סימולציה מס' 8

פרק ראשון

– אנגלית

11. Having a reputation for high standards is preferable to having a reputation for temper tantrums.

(1) If you have a reputation for having high standards, then you probably have a reputation for having temper tantrums as well. (2) You can accomplish more by setting high standards than you can by throwing temper tantrums. (3) It is better to have a reputation for having high standards and having temper tantrums, than to have no reputation at all. (4) It is better to be known for having high standards than for having temper tantrums.

12. Air pollution from human sources alone cannot account for the amount of global warming observed in the last decade.

(1) Scientists have failed to prove that the global warming observed in the previous decade was actually caused by air pollution from human activities. (2) While it is certain that air pollution from human sources has increased in the last decade, it has not been shown that global warming has actually taken place during the same period. (3) Global warming has not been the only environmental result of the air pollution which has taken place during the last ten years. (4) More global warming has been observed in the previous decade than can be explained by air pollution from human activities.

Reading Comprehension This part consists of two passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text .

Text I (Questions 13-17)

Kenya's growth rate hovers around 4 percent a year, highest in the world; its population will double in about 17 years to 46 million. Though predominantly agrarian, Kenya has not been blessed with much rich arable land. It has also suffered from the recurrent droughts that have afflicted all of Africa along the southern edge of the Sahara since the late 1960s. Food production has fallen far behind population growth, and economic growth has lagged. 5 Kenya's rapid population growth has translated into intense pressure on the nation's limited farmland. Often a husband finds that the family farm cannot support a large and growing family, and he may migrate to Nairobi or to the nearest town in search of work, leaving his wife to run the farm and raise the children. Women have very low status and little or no education in most African nations, yet they have the primary responsibility for 10 food production and child rearing. By tradition a farmer's land is divided among his sons when he dies. Since subdivision can only proceed so far before farming becomes uneconomical, many young men seek land

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