High-Q | 7 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 7
פרק שלישי
– אנגלית
This section contains 22 questions. The time allotted is 20 minutes.
The following section contains three types of questions: Sentence Completion, Restatements and Reading Comprehension. Each question is followed by four possible responses. Choose the response which best answers the question and mark its number in the appropriate place on the answer sheet. Sentence Completions (Questions 1-8) This part consists of sentences with a word missing in each. For each question, choose the answer which best completes the sentence .
1. Those with a major in computer programming have the ____ of studying either COBOL or C++ as their main language.
(1) choice
(2) completion (3) problem (4) acquaintance
2. Frogs and other amphibians have the ability to ____ oxygen directly, through the skin.
(1) produce
(2) observe
(3) misuse
(4) absorb
3. Some of the ____ most commonly used in industry, such as dioxin and polychlorobiphenyls, are highly toxic to humans and animals.
(1) texts
(2) terrain
(3) workers
(4) chemicals
4. The artists of the surrealist school claimed that the unconscious mind was the ____ for their paintings.
(1) aggravation (2) deterrent
(3) inspiration (4) recommendation
5. Before we bought the house, we had an expert come to ____ it for possible hidden flaws and problems.
(1) purchase (2) renovate
(3) inspect
(4) photograph
6. Thanks to modern transportation, grocery shoppers have available a wide ____ of fresh fruits and vegetables all year long.
(1) path
(2) area
(3) selection (4) counter
7. Horse-drawn carts and carriages used wooden ____, but the weight and speed of automobiles made rubber tires a necessity.
(1) railings
(2) seats
(3) brakes
(4) wheels
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