High-Q | 7 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 7
– אנגלית פרק שני
13. Which of the following is the subject of the passage?
(1) The consequences of the American Civil War (2) Problems with privately issued bonds (3) The sovereign rights of nation states (4) The government’s power to print money
14. We can infer from the content of the second paragraph of the passage that government bonds normally have lower interest rates than those of private firms because -
(1) of their certainty of repayment (2) governments issue more bonds than corporations do (3) the government that issued the bonds may print too little money (4) private firms cannot issue bonds during wartime
15. The term “those” in line 9 refers to -
(1) corporations (2) bonds (3) governments (4) disasters
16. According to the passage, the bonds of the Confederate States of America and of the czarist government of Russia became worthless because -
(1) they both printed too much money. (2) no one purchased the bonds they issued. (3) those governments were overthrown. (4) the bonds were issued a very long time ago.
17. We can infer from the overall content of the passage that government bonds -
(1) are issued only rarely (2) were first issued after the time of the Great Depression (3) are safer than privately issued bonds (4) are often purchased by private corporations
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