High-Q | 7 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 7
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
13. The best title for the passage above is –
(1) Portrait of an English Economist (2) The Keynes Family: a Dynasty of Economists (3) Keynes and International Currency Relations (4) The English Economy Between World War I and World War II
14. According to the second paragraph, which of the following best describes John Maynard Keynes?
(1) A great leader of men (2) A man of single-minded ambition (3) A clever humorist (4) A man of many talents
15. The author of the passage attributes the source of Keynes’ skill as an economist at least partly to –
(1) his interest in India (2) his childhood experiences (3) his father (4) his wife
16. The term “it” in line 15 refers to –
(1) Indian finance (2) the Versailles Treaty (3) the Bretton Woods Agreement (4) ‘The Economic Consequences of Peace’
17. Keynes’s book ‘The Economic Consequences of Peace’ explains his view that –
(1) the economic situation of India was critical at the end of World War I (2) the Versailles Treaty was poorly written (3) the peace after World War I could have favorable economic consequences (4) a new system of international currency exchange was needed
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