High-Q | 7 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 7
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
8. The cheap dyes used in the fabrics ____ considerably after only a few washings.
(1) grew
(2) moved
(3) faded
(4) appreciated
Restatements (Questions 9-12) This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.
9. Unless profits improve dramatically in the next quarter, the company will certainly go bankrupt.
(1) The company is no longer in danger of bankruptcy, thanks to a dramatic improvement in quarterly profits. (2) The impending bankruptcy of the company can be prevented only by a large increase in profits in the coming quarter. (3) Not even a sudden rise in profits in the coming quarter will save the company from bankruptcy. (4) When profits go up in the next quarter, the company will be saved from the threat of bankruptcy.
10. Work on the Red River Dam cannot begin until all of the environmental impact studies are completed.
(1) Due to the results of the environmental impact studies, the Red River Dam will not be built. (2) Before the Red River Dam can be built, plans for environmental impact studies have to be made. (3) The environmental impact studies must be finished before any construction on the Red River Dam can be done. (4) Once the Red River Dam has been finished, studies will be done to examine its effects on the environment.
11. If next month’s election were held today, Jean Goldberg would defeat Art Samuels for the office of mayor.
(1) Because the election is being held today instead of next month, Art Samuels may lose to Jean Goldberg. (2) Art Samuels is currently losing the mayoral election to Jean Goldberg. (3) The defeat of Art Samuels in next month’s mayoral election is certain, Jean Goldberg says. (4) When next month’s election is held, Jean Goldberg will be the winner, not Art Samuels.
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