High-Q | סימולציה 5
סימולציה מס' 5
שני פרק
– אנגלית
18. What is the main subject of the text?
)1) August Rodin and his work (2) Great thinkers of modern time (3) August Rodin - a puzzle of modern time (4) August Rodin’s influence on modern sculpting
19. The author implies that when looking at Rodin’s works –
)1) it is a necessity to contemplate the wonderful collection of sculpted figures (2) it is intriguing to find out the story behind the masterpiece
(3) everyone can immediately see the artist’s soul (4) one can only see the art and the technique
20. August Rodin is more likely to sculpt -
)1) Venuses (2) beautiful women (3) masculine men (4) Romans
21. What do the Burghers of Calais, the Venuses and the Balzac have in common?
)1) all three are examples of masterpieces by great sculptors (2) all three are Rodin’s works which describe the female body (3) all three are examples of religious art (4) all three are examples from which we can read the soul of Rodin
22. according to the last paragraph Rodin believed that-
)1) his works of art should not be distributed (2) his works of art should contradict all great thinkers (3) his works of art should be taught at private art school (4) his works of art belong to the poor as well as to the rich
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