High-Q | סימולציה 5


סימולציה מס' 5

פרק ראשון

– אנגלית

11. The deafening noise and polluting emissions of diesel-powered U.S. Navy ships will one day be replaced by the hum and low emissions of the efficient and compact electric-drive technology, thanks to an alliance of the military and the scientific community. (1) The electric-drive technology should have replaced the U.S. Navy’s diesel-powered engines by now, since the military, along with the scientific community, has managed to make them more compact and efficient. (2) Although the scientific community and the military made possible a cleaner, quieter electric drive technology, the U.S. Navy is not yet ready to replace it’s noisy, polluting diesel engines. (3) The hum and low emissions of compact, efficient electric-drive technology will replace the deafening noise and polluting emissions of diesel-powered U.S. Navy ships, due to an alliance of the military and the scientific community. (4) The deafening noise and polluting emissions of the military’s diesel powered ships will replace the hum and low emissions of compact, efficient electric-drive technology made by the scientific community. 12. The African National Congress has been the dominant political force in South Africa since the abolition of apartheid in 1991, controling just less than two-thirds of the seats in parliament. (1) Because of the abolition of apartheid in 1991, the African National Congress has been the dominant political force in South Africa as it controls just less than two thirds of the seats in parliament. (2) After its abolition by the apartheid in 1991, the African National Congress, controling a little less than two-thirds of the seats in the parliament, became the major political force in South Africa. (3) Nowadays, the African National Congress controls just less than two-thirds of the seats in parliament, making it the dominant political force in South Africa, as it has been since the abolition of apartheid in 1991. (4) Although the African National Congress controls less than two-thirds of the seats in parliament, it still is the dominant political force in South Africa since the abolition of apartheid in 1991.

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