High-Q | סימולציה 4
סימולציה מס' 4
– אנגלית פרק שני
20. The role of IgE in the body -
(1) is currently unknown. (2) is to protect against oak pollen and ragweed. (3) is to protect against immunoglobulins. (4) is to prevent allergic reactions.
21. What is the correct sequence in an allergy-prone person when exposed for the first time to an allergen?
(1) Chemicals released by mast cells – mast cells attachment to IgE – Chemicals released by IgE (2) IgE production – IgE attachment to mast cells – Chemicals released by mast cells (3) IgE production – mast cells production by IgE – Chemicals released by mast cells (4) IgE attachment to mast cells - IgE production by mast cells - Chemicals released by IgE
22. Which of the following is not mentioned as a symptom of an allergic reaction?
(1) Abdominal cramps (2) Wheezing and sneezing (3) Itching (4) Swelling of the throat and tongue
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