High-Q | סימולציה 4
סימולציה מס' 4
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
18. Which of the following is not mentioned in the second paragraph as a consequence of lightning?
(1) Destruction of forests (2) Death of approximately 400 people a year in the United States (3) Existence of plants (4) Generation of great winds
19. What is the problem mentioned in the passage regarding nitrogen?
(1) It is scarcely seen (2) It floats in the atmosphere, thus it’s unreachable (3) It can’t be used by plants in its aerial form (4) There’s too much Nitrogen in our atmosphere
20. What is the purpose of the third paragraph?
(1) To explain why lightning is essential (2) To explain why nitrogen is insoluble (3) To explain the significance of nitrogen (4) To explain the complexity of the atmosphere
21. What do we smell after a thunderstorm, according to the fourth paragraph?
(1) Soiled ground (2) Nitrates (3) Nitric acid (4) Nitrogen
22. What is the best title for this article?
(1) The Lightning - a Destructive Force (2) The Miracle of Lightning (3) The Nitrogen - Homemade Fertilizer (4) Thunderstorm - the Best Fertilizer
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