High-Q | סימולציה 4


סימולציה מס' 4

פרק ראשון

– אנגלית

It is hardly surprising that creatures so curious and startling should be the subjects of more myths and misunderstandings than any other animal under the sun or moon, for many 10 snakes are most active at night. It is not true that snakes are "slimy"; their skin is dry and exceptionally clean. No snake has a poisonous sting in its tail. No snake rolls like a hoop or hypnotizes birds. Snakes' flicking, "wicked-looking" tongues are harmless. Killing a snake will not bring its mate seeking vengeance. It is not true that a mortally injured snake retains life until sundown. Nine tenths of all species are harmless. Few are agressive toward man. 15 They don't suck milk from cows. And they are not charmed by snake-charmers' music; snakes are deaf. The real facts about snakes are more remarkable than any fables. Everything about a snake is designed around the key fact that it has no arms or legs. Yet it is not a primitive or simple being like a worm (to which it is unrelated), but a highly developed, complex one. It 20 breathes by a lung. It has a three-chambered heart. Its internal processes involve an intricate physiology of liver, gall bladder and kidneys. And it must catch prey, defeat or evade enemies, reproduce its race, while confined inside its own elongated skin, like a man straitjacketed and hobbled. To meet this unique problem, nature has given it an array of specialized equipment and some peculiar skills 25


13. According to the text what are snakes not capable of?

(1) Swallowing a goat sized animal (2) Killing a man in less than one minute (3) Sleeping with their eyes closed (4) Filtering ultraviolet rays

14. What, according to some myths, might happen when a person kills a snake?

(1) The snake's mate will come to eat its corps (2) Other snakes will be afraid to come near (3) The snake's mate will avenge the snake’s death (4) The snake's mate will hypnotize the snake's killer

15. What is unlikely to happen, according to the text?

(1) A snake will leave your hands dry if you touch it (2) A snake will flick a harmless tongue at you (3) A snake, passing by a cow, will leave her with no harm (4) A snake will be hypnotized by pipe music

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