High-Q | סימולציה 4
סימולציה מס' 4
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
7. It is believed that only the most competent wizards can ____ dragons from the underworld at their will.
(1) resolve
(2) overlook (3) summon (4) tolerate
8. Doctors are meeting in South Africa to combat a ____ ravaging the continent, but there are disputes over the right strategy to be taken.
(1) fire
(2) military (3) plague
(4) refugee
Restatements (Questions 9-12) This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.
9. Not wanting to lose the war, the general preferred giving up the battle for the city, thus sparing the lives of many soldiers, which later fought and won in the final battle.
(1) Because the general preferred saving the lives of his soldiers, he lost the battle for the city, but eventually he won the war. (2) The general did not want to lose the war, thus he spared no efforts in winning the battle for the city, which cost him the lives of many soldiers. (3) Rather than losing many soldiers in the battle for the city, the general gave it up, as he did later when he fought the final battle. (4) The general, who did not want to lose the war, preferred saving the soldiers for the final battle, in which they won, by giving up the battle for the city.
10. The microscope has given us a window on the vast world that stretches just beyond our unaided vision - a world inhabited by countless billions of tiny creatures.
(1) The microscope, more than any other invention, has given us an opportunity to see the world that stretches beyond our limited visions in which live countless billions of tiny creatures. (2) The microscope prevents us from seeing the huge world that stretches just under our very eyes - a world occupied by many little creatures. (3) Unless we had the microscope we wouldn’t be able to see the vast world that stretches just beyond our unaided vision-a world of tiny creatures which we can’t count. (4) Due to the microscope, we have the possibility to see the vast world that lies just beyond our normal eyesight - a world in which countless billions of very small creatures live.
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