High-Q | סימולציה 2
סימולציה מס' 2
– אנגלית פרק שני
19. According to the second paragraph, it can be inferred that the author -
(1) believes that people always welcome changes (2) believes that bigger changes are easier to introduce (3) thinks that small changes are crucial for a business (4) thinks that executives usually know how to deal with resistance to change
20. The word “they” in line 13 refers to -
(1) mass layoffs (2) technological revolutions (3) small changes (4) traditional skills
21. What is the solution to the problem mentioned in the last paragraph?
(1) Helping people implement changes in their environment (2) Introducing social changes rather than technical ones (3) Understanding the type of change people resist (4) Forcing change on people
22. The main idea of the text is that -
(1) executives should go ahead with their changes in any case (2) some forms of resistance are more beneficial than others (3) there is usually a good reason to resist change (4) change in a business is important, and should be dealt with properly
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