High-Q | סימולציה 2
סימולציה מס' 2
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
19. The term “their” in line 4 refers to - (1) issues (2) society and theology (3) philosophers (4) centuries
20. According to the first paragraph, one must study Aquinas - (1) after having studied Aristotle (2) within his own time, as well as modern times (3) realizing his tremendous success to impact modern life (4) while questioning his interpretation of human justice
21. The author states that the two groups from the United States described in the second paragraph - liberation theologians and fundamentalist preachers - are similar to one another in that they both - (1) based their political questions on religion (2) recognize the importance of Aquinas’s philosophy (3) hold beliefs taken from those of their Aristotelian counterparts of the 13 th century (4) insist that politics and religion are separate concerns 22. The Aristotelian and Neo-Platonic counterparts are mentioned as - (1) philosophical groups which trouble modern thinkers (2) colleagues of Aquinas who interpreted his work (3) historical groups who also differed in their opinion about religion and morals (4) ancient causes of modern political problems
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