High-Q | חטיף 5
חטיף מס '5
Reading Comprehension This part consists of two passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text .
Text I (Questions 13-17)
The resin-impregnated ”paper” element in an automobile engine’s air filter looks like a sheet with many folds. Most of the dirt particles are stopped at the outside surface. A light coating of dirt actually improves the filtering ability of the paper. But soon the dirt builds up and even starts filling the bottoms of the folds, restricting airflow. The paper also has multiple layers; if you looked at it under a microscope, you would see a dense tangle of 5 interwoven fibers, the fiber strands which make up the material of the paper. This tangle may look random, but high-quality paper filters are highly consistent in the sizes of the pores between the strands, and the best material creates a mathematically predictable barrier to dirt particles. In actuality, the layers of fibers form a maze, trapping some of the dirt between the layers of paper. The inrushing air produces static electricity, 10 which also causes smaller dirt particles to stick to the surfaces of the paper fibers. Air filters actually work better as the filter material begins to fill up with debris. Holes are plugged by fine particles, and thus fewer spaces remain to pass other particles. But a point eventually comes when not enough pores remain open to pass the air which is needed by the engine. The result is inadequate oxygen to burn the fuel at the maximum throttle 15 opening, when the engine is taking in fuel at the highest possible rate.
13 . The term “it” in line 5 refers to -
(1) layer (2) paper (3) airflow (4) microscope
14 . The paper used in air filters is made of -
(1) filters (2) tiny particles (3) interwoven fibers (4) dirt
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