אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"ד

Doctor of Philosophy

Jewish Studies

Dr. Levin Judith The Joseph and Nachum Berman Department of Jewish Literature From Lyuban, Lithuania, to Tel-Aviv: Milestones in Rochl Feigenberg's Literary Work, 1885-1933 Supervisor: Prof. Cohen Nathan Dr. Lugasi Meir

Dr. Miron Ze'ev Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry Jacob Cahan's Jewish National Thought Supervisor: Prof. Weitz Yechiam Dr. Navon Mois Department of Jewish Philosophy The Moral Status of Artificial Intelligence – A Jewish Ethical Perspective Supervisor: Prof. Ben Pazi Hanoch Dr. Noham Ram The Joseph and Nachum Berman Department of Jewish Literature Circumcisers Registers from the Sephardic Regions: Textual, Thematic and Cultural Study Supervisors: Prof. Refael Shmuel Dr. Cohen Dov Dr. Oleshkevich Ekaterina Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry History, Culture and the Experience of Jewish Childhood in Late Imperial Russia Supervisor: Dr. Gellman Uriel Dr. Orbach Nathaniela Department for Studies of Israel and Archeology

The Naftali Yaffe Talmud and Oral Law Department

A Comprehensive Commentary to Chapter IX of Bavli Shabbat Supervisor: Prof. Amit Aaron Dr. Malka Hananel Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry

The International Bible Quiz: From a National Milestone to an Educational Endeavor of Continuity (1958-1963) Supervisor: Prof. Baumel Judy Dr. Malka Yitzhak Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry The Social and Intellectual World of Rabbi Ovadia Sforno (1468–1550) The Religious Work of Man – A Study of the Teachings of Hassidic Rabbis and Philosophers from the Musar Movement That Were Active in Poland and Lithuania from the End of the 19th Century until the Beginning of the 20th Century Supervisors: Prof. Ben Pazi Hanoch Dr. Hershkowitz Issac 8 Supervisor: Prof. Malkiel David Dr. Mandelbaum Natalie Department of Jewish Philosophy

The Cult of the Philistines Throughout Iron Age I-IIC Supervisor: Prof. Maeir Aren Dr. Oved Galia

The Zalman Shamir Bible Department The Relationship Between the Fertility of Man and of Land as Portrayed in the Bible Supervisor: Prof. Assis Eliyahu

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