אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"ד

Doctor of Philosophy

Social Sciences

Dr. Dimant Sonn Adi Department of Criminology The Gaps between the Therapist's Perception and the Patient's Perception of the Patient's Strengths and their Relationship to his Adjustment to therapeutic communities Supervisors: Prof. Bensimon Moshe Prof. Idisis Yael Dr. Doron Yaffa Department of Psychology The Fixation Effect on Creativity: Representation Type, Priming Example Constraints and Individual Differences as Moderators Supervisor: Prof. Lavidor Michal Dr. Drori Yaala Department of Criminology Single Homicide Offenders – Personality, Motive, Crime-Scene Behavior and Perspectives Towards Treatment Supervisors: Prof. Einat Tomer Prof. Idisis Yael The Mediation of Southern Peripheries in Israel: Analysis of Prosumer-Generated Content on Google Maps Supervisor: Prof. Noy Chaim Dr. Engelberg Yair Department of Psychology The Impact of Social Context on Cognitive Flexibility Supervisors: Prof. Rafaeli Eshkol Prof. Uziel Liad Dr. Druker Shitrit Shirley Department of Political Science

Dr. Erental Tali Department of Social and Health Sciences Holocaust Centrality among the Third Generation: an Ecological, Multi-Generational Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, World Assumptions and Parental Rearing Behaviors Supervisor: Prof. Shrira Amit Dr. Even-Haim Abraham Galit Department of Psychology Characteristics of Couple Discourse among Combat Soldiers and their Partners and its Association with Martial Adjustment and Well-Being - A Mixed Methods Study Supervisors: Prof. Dekel Rachel Prof. Horesh Danny Dr. Feldman Gilboa Netta Department of Sociology and Anthropology Between Holiness and Sickness 'Mediculturization’: Culturally Indicated Medicine The Case of the Ultra-Orthodox Community

Hospital "Mayanei HaYeshua" Supervisors: Prof. Leon Nissim Dr. Rier David Dr. Fenig Ido Department of Psychology

The Effect of an Integrated High Intensity Interval Training with Mindfulness Guided

Exercise on the Mental Health of Higher Education Students Supervisor: Prof. Rassovsky Yuri


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