אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"ד

Doctor of Philosophy

Social Sciences

Dr. Suberry Assi Department of Social and Health Sciences Intergenerational Dance, Positive Perceptions of Aging, Psychological Well-Being and Empathy as Means to Foster Intergenerational Closeness and to Reduce Ageism Supervisor: Prof. Bodner Ehud Dr. Tal Lior Department of Sociology and Anthropology Midlife Diagnosis of ADHD: Medicalization of ADHD in Israel as Case Study Supervisor: Dr. Rier David Dr. Yona Drori Orly The Lewis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work Family and Environmental Variables and Binge Eating Addiction – Comparison Between Jewish and Arab Women in Israel Supervisors: Prof. Freedman Goldstone Sara Dr. Ben-Shlomo Aviv Shirly Dr. Zabag Reut Department of Psychology Social Anxiety and Cognitive Flexibility Supervisors: Prof. Gilboa-Schechtman Eva Prof. Levy-Gigi Einat Negative and Positive Emotions as Mediators between Personal,

Dr. Ziv Adi Department of Social and Health Sciences Post-Traumatic Reactions in Holocaust Survivors and Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment Patterns and Stress Mindset: Moderating Effects of Social Support and Integration Supervisors: Prof. Hoffman Yaakov Prof. Shrira Amit Dr. Zuckerman Noa Department of Environment, Planning and Sustainability Assessment of the Urban Environment: Vertical Greenery Systems Mutual Effects

Using Proximal Sensing and Meteorological Data Supervisor: Prof. Lensky Itamar

Dr. Zeltzer Volshtein Moria Department of Political Science

Journalists on Twitter during Elections: Interactions with Colleagues, Politicians and Ordinary Followers Supervisor: Prof. Neiger Mordechai (Motti)


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