אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"א
Exact Sciences | Doctor of Philosophy
Dr. Genish Hadar Department of Physics
Dr. Lisniansky Elvira Department of Chemistry Novel Approaches for Developing Agents that Inhibit AB and Tau Aggregation and Toxicity Supervisor: Prof. Rehimipour Shai Dr. Lugasi Liroy Department of Chemistry Synthesis and Characterization of Proteinoids and Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery Systems for Antipsychotic and Antitumor Biomedical Applications Supervisor: Prof. Margel Shlomo Dr. Marin Artavia Orlando Jesus Department of Physics From Faceted Nano - and Yocto - Liter Liquid Droplets, to Solid Faceted Particles with Self-Positioned Ligands Supervisor: Prof. Sloutskin Eli Prof. Zitoun David Dr. Mutalikdesai Amruta Department of Chemistry Chiral Resolution of Enantiomers with Sonochemically Prepared Microspheres of Biomolecules Supervisor: Prof. Gedanken Aharon Dr. Nassir Molhm Department of Chemistry Synthesis and Evaluation of NPP1 Inhibitors as Potential Drugs for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis/CPPD Supervisor: Prof. Fischer Bilha
Practical Aspects of the Preparation of NV Centers in Diamond for Quantum Applications and Magnetometry Supervisor: Prof. Rosenbluh Michael Prof. Prawer Steven - The University of Melbourne Dr. Golan Shay Akiva Department of Computer Science Online Algorithms for Big Data Supervisor: Prof. Porat Ely Dr. Kopelowitz Tsvi Dr. Greenfeld Be'eri Department of Mathematics Growth and Representations of Finitely Generated Algebras Supervisor: Prof. Vishne Uziel
Dr. Jennings Roy Harold Department of Mathematics Flip Graphs Supervisor: Prof. Adin Ron
Prof. Roichman Yuval
Dr. Lahav Nir Department of Physics Emergence and Synchronization in Chaotic Oscillators and in the Human Cortical Network Supervisor: Prof. Cohen Reuven Prof. Havlin Shlomo Dr. Leibowitz Menahem Department of Computer Science Anonymous Communication Infrastructure Supervisor: Prof. Herzberg Amir
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