אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"א

Jewish Studies | Doctor of Philosophy

Dr. Cohen Yadan Hana The Zalman Shamir Bible Department Spatial Conceptualiztion and the Imagery of Space in the Hebrew Bible Supervisor: Prof. Greenstein Edward L. Dr. EichenbaumMiriam Department of Jewish Thought Abraham Ibn Ezra - Sefer Klei Hanechoshet (Treatise on the Astrolabe) Scientific and Annotated Edition of the Three Hebrew Versions Supervisor: Prof. Sela Shlomo Dr. Elkayam Yael Department of Studies of Israel and Archeology Gemstones according to Archaeological Findings in the Land of Israel Supervisor: Prof. Amar Zohar Dr. Friedman Reuven Department of Studies of Israel and Archeology Jewish Borders and Settlement in the Western Galilee in Archaeology and Texts Supervisor: Prof. Zissu Boaz Dr. Frish Rachel The Zalman Shamir Bible Department Wisdom Sayings in the Book of Jeremiah

Dr. Arnon Noam Department of Studies of Israel and Archeology The Tomb of the Patriarchs: From Origins to Late Antiquity Supervisor: Prof. Zissu Boaz Dr. Ben Dor Lior Department of Middle Eastern Studies The Arab Community in Brazil - Arab Identity and Positions on the Middle East and Israel Issues through the Prism of Politicians and Public Figures of Arab Descent (1995-2018) Supervisor:  Prof. Silverstein Adam Dr. Ehrlich Michael Dr. Benlulu-Bargil Avia Department of Studies of Israel and Archeology Patterns of the Sacred in the Sectarian Scrolls from Qumran Supervisor: Prof. Regev Eyal Dr. Bochenek Etel Department of Hebrew and Semitic Languages Verbs of Emotion in Mishnaic Hebrew: Syntax, Semantics and Discourse Supervisor: Dr. Shemesh Rivka Dr. Cohen Itzchak The Naftali Yaffe Talmud and Oral Law Department Studies in Supportive Terminology in the Babylonian Talmud: “From where did I Derive my Opinion”? and Similar Terms Supervisor: Dr. Amit Aaron

and their Rhetorical Function Supervisor:  Prof. Assis Eliyahu Dr. Samet Nili


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