אל על | אטמוספירה

to investors. The worst that can happen is you get a “no”, and even then, you can still keep on trying”.

expensive plane tickets or fancy offices, use your money to further your company. Money dries up fast and you don’t want to keep chasing after it. Use the funds that you have with care”. As an investor Goldfinger was the first to invest in Israeli start-up SafeFields, a company that developed a groundbreaking solution to reduce the magnetic fields generated by EVs and hybrids. “EVs and hybrids are the future. SafeFields has come up with a technology that solves a major problem. Also, the founders come from an elite tech unit in the IDF Intelligence Corps and they’ve built an excellent team. They’re financially efficient, focused on developing their product and marketing it, and not on luxury offices and unnecessary spending”. 09 | Don’t give up, but know when to stop “There will be many challenges along the way. Don’t get discouraged. The start-up game is the game of the last man standing”. 10 | Time is the most expensive resource “Not all start-ups are going to succeed. Sometimes you need to acknowledge you’re on a losing horse. Time is precious so don’t waste it on a doomed project”.

05 | Patience and persistence Raising funds requires patience and persistence. It takes time, but once you find the right investor, you realize all your efforts were worth it. And remember, you don’t need dozens of investors – one who believes in your project is enough.

Photo: Muli Safra

you already know. “Partners need to complement each other and have clearly defined roles. From my experience I can say that it’s best not to have more than three founders, otherwise it gets too complicated to take decisions”. expensive plane tickets or fancy offices, use your money to further your company" 03 | Market size When you’re looking for an idea for a start-up, opt for something with big market potential. If you have a great product, a great team - even if your product ends up market leader - if your market’s small your company will remain small. A big market will allow you to grow, even if you’re not market leader. Yair Goldfinger: “Rather than splash out on

06 | Get a mentor “Many entrepreneurs that I meet think the role of an investor is to help run things, but I’m sorry to say, that is not the case”, he explains. “The presence of someone with experience can reassure investors. Pay your mentor with options, as their worth increases according to the success of the company”. 07 | Use your contacts There are many Jews in key roles in the business world. Most will be happy to help out Israelis. “Believe me, almost all the first clients of Israeli start-ups are connected to Jews”, Goldfinger says. “Many successful companies in Israel will be happy to help you – do some networking and reach out to them”.

04 | Don’t be afraid to ask questions “Entrepreneurship calls for

courage and audacity”, he says. “Ask questions, make suggestions to clients and partners, reach out

08 | Spend wisely “Rather than splash out on



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