EL AL | Atmosphere

Check-in I Local Events I December 2024 I Nava Marton

What’s On Our Radar This Month Dance | Anafaza 2023, the Batsheva Dance Company Expo, Tel Aviv Just before it goes on tour in France, Ohad Naharin’s acclaimed dance show Anafaza, returns to Israeli stages. Naharin and the Batsheva Dance Company’s iconic creation premiered in December 1993, and has been seen live by over 300,000 people since then, in Israel and around the world. Last year, to mark the creation’s 30 th anniversary, a renewed version, “Anafaza 2023”, was put on, and will be returning this month for six unique shows. In its renewed version, Anafaza remains similar to the previous one in scope and energy, but it is also completely different because of the reality in which it was created. It is a stubborn dance in the swamp of reality, dancing away the rhetoric of division, holding on to the hope for healing and repair. December 13-20, to-mix.co.il/anafaza

Photo: @Ascaf

Festival | The Na Laga’at Festival for Groundbreaking Art The Na Laga’at Center, Jaffa Port Na Laga’at is a cultural center that allows deaf, blind, deaf-blind people, and the general public to meet and interact. The Na Laga’at Festival for Groundbreaking Art is an opportunity to experience the world of the blind and the deaf in a uniquely creative way. It opens on the International Day of People with Disabilities, (December 3 rd ), and offers an exciting selection of activities, including the opportunity to experience having dinner in the dark, enjoying a music concert in the dark, and more. The opening show is a theatre production called “Something is missing”, with deaf and blind actors exploring the nuances of human communication, as they endeavor to put on a production of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”. December 3-7, nalagaat.org.il

Photo: Maxim Golovanov



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