אל על | אטמוספירה

Tel Aviv MuseuM of ArT presenTs new exhibiTions of IsrAeli ArT To MArk A yeAr To The evenTs of ocTober 7, 2023

One year after the events of October 7 and the outbreak of the ongoing war, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art presents new exhibitions of contemporary Israeli art, conceived in response to the disaster. The exhibits give expression to the pain and memories that have gripped Israeli society over the past year. The new exhibitions demonstrate the unique power of art to reflect complexities, to highlight public discourse, push boundaries, and enable deep introspection, as well as inspire and serve as a source of comfort and compassion, even in times of crisis.

Group exhibition I Don’t Want to Forget: From the Mareva and Arthur Essebag Collection The exhibition features artworks by 25 Israeli artists, nearly all created in response to the life-shattering events of October 7. It negotiates beauty and pain, capturing the horrors of war while offering empathy and solace. The works are from the collection of Mareva and Arthur Essebag—art collectors from France who, driven by a sense of shared destiny, have supported Israeli art in these tragic times. — On view until December 14, 2024

Nir Hod, I Don't Want to Forget You , 2023 (photo: Studio Nir Hod, New York)

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