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children and youth whose lives were brutally disrupted. As part of this effort, the foundation established social-educational centers in the main evacuation sites – the Dead Sea, Eilat, Tiberias and so on. In partnership with local municipalities, Rashi created safe spaces for children and youth who experienced trauma, encouraging them to participate in activities that answer their needs. At the same time, additional learning centers established by the foundation help high school students to close the gaps in their studies caused by the war, in preparation for their matriculation exams. In the coming years, the Rashi Foundation will continue to be a catalyst for change and enable Israel’s periphery to rebuild and thrive. The main focus is on reinforcing personal and community resilience through experiential education for children and youth and expansion of employment opportunities for young adults. Facing these challenges and those to come, Rashi will continue working in collaboration with the government, municipalities, philanthropic and business sectors to advance equal opportunities and social resilience in Israel’s periphery. www.rashi.org.il/en

Gustave Leven, founder of the Rashi Foundation: creating opportunities for Israel’s children to realize their full potential, regardless of where they are born.

school children, and became a State funded program reaching hundreds of thousands of children. The Foundation also works to advance formal and informal education and to promote excellence, initiating major projects such as the Darca Network of High Schools, the Science Park in Be’er Sheva, the National Cyber Education Program Magshimim, the STEM Ecosystem program and the Pedagogic Network for Elementary Schools. Other initiatives target young adults with gap year and vocational training programs, families living in poverty, and more. In all its ventures, Rashi aims to increase its impact through cross sector partnerships with government ministries, local municipalities, the business community and other philanthropies in Israel and abroad. Always with you Over the years, the Rashi Foundation was called again and again to respond to emergency situations. It assisted

the residents of the north after the Second Lebanon War in 2006, and the populations that were affected by the COVID crisis of 2020. Following the terrorist attack in October 2023, Rashi undertook to help the war-torn communities in the south and north and the people who were forced to leave their homes, especially

The Rashi Foundation: advancing formal and informal education and promoting excellence

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