אל על | אטמוספירה



Photos: Gili Mazza

05 HaBonim Beach Nature Reserve Right by the beach and its beautiful hidden bays The HaBonim beach is part of a spectacular nature reserve in the Carmel region, spanning between moshav HaBonim and moshav Dor and its surroundings. It is often referred to by its previous name, Tantura beach. Here you’ll find: HaBonim beach and its magical coves, bays,

lagune, and little islands that are at walking distance. There are all sorts of fascinating fauna and flora inhabiting the dunes, and exploring the HaBonim “Blue Cave” makes for an unforgettable excursion. In the nearby Tel Dor National Park there are remains of an ancient port and of the ancient Phoenician city of Dor. ˆ Gili Mazza is a journalist and a

photographer who writes her blog “Travel with Gili” (gilimazza.com), @travelgilimazza



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