אל על | אטמוספירה

The “From trash to treasure” art tour is part of journalist and entrepreneur Meital Katz’s social project that won the 2021 2022 European Travel & Hospitality Award. For more information and tour bookings: mk-artour.com/makers-tour to the art of paper sculpting, Ilan gave classes at Shenkar College and was an independent designer, before founding children’s furniture brand ”Ikoo”. In 2000, she began taking sculpting classes and before long, her work was shown in galleries in Israel and abroad. In her studio, there are great big 3D pictures that show visitors how she breathes new life into old, abandoned books. The printed word Carmel Ilan “I’ve always collected books I’d find in the street”, says artist Carmel Ilan. In her vast studio, she creates sculptures out of paper using a special technique she developed herself over many years. “We may be in the digital age, but I still find it hard to say goodbye to the printed word and the physical touch of paper. I love paper”, she says. Born in Jerusalem in 1960, Ilan studied fashion design at Shenkar College, and at the Parsons School of Design in New York. Before devoting herself

Carmel Ilan I Photo: Hadas Eldar

Wood carving Igor Kredentser Igor Kredentser was born in

Kazakhstan in 1965. When he was 12, he made a picture frame with his father, and discovered a passion for woodwork. After a few years working as a forest ranger in Russia, he made Aliyah and in Israel he began working as a carpenter. His childhood memory with his father and his love for woodcarving led him to create beautiful sculptures, first keeping them at home, and then filling his workshop with them. Kredentser makes Judaica objects, sculptures of supernatural creatures, and more, mostly out of the driftwood he finds when he goes fishing on weekends.

Igor Kredentser I Photo: Igal Bareket

Making art out of old auto parts Shmulik Mizrahi

Sixty-one-year-old mechanic Shmulik Mizrahi makes art out of old motorbike and car parts. Working at a big garage where he specializes in radiators and mufflers, he first developed a love for house plants. Clients began asking him for tips, bringing their ailing plants to the garage which soon became swamped with plants of every kind. In order to make space, he created plant holders out of the old parts lying about, and from then on, his passion for sculpting hasn’t waned. His first sculpture was of a Harley Davidson, and more and more came along, including of guitars, cars, animals, and more.

Shmulik Mizrahi I Photo: Ido Halevi



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