אל על | אטמוספירה

Our quick questionnaire

What makes you angry? “The silence of the world and of

women’s organizations”. What makes you sad?

“Knowing that the hostages are still being held captive all this time. It breaks my heart”. What makes you laugh? “My kids”. What makes you feel relaxed? “The sea”. What do people not know about you? “That I don’t take life too seriously”.

“I’m still invited to talk in conferences. In a few weeks I’ll be speaking at a UN conference in Vienna. I’ve recently got back from an economics conference in Harvard where I recounted my personal story and underscored the fact that Israeli men and women are still being held captive in Gaza, more than six months after their brutal kidnap. It’s simply unfathomable”. Are you able to remain optimistic? “I have to believe that in the end, things will be ok. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. I came to the UN without any expectations, and the fact is things did change. Two days after my speech, President Biden spoke about what happened to Israeli women in a speech he gave”. On this year’s Independence Day, Abargil will be hosting the “Israel Prize” ceremony. “I think that even though there’s a sense that there shouldn’t be celebratory ceremonies right now, life has to go on. Aside the pain and sadness, life has to be lived. In the end, to me, real victory is in continuing to live and to love life”. ˆ

Photo: Tali Moas



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