EL AL | Atmosphere
Check-in I Our Guide
There’ll always be those unmissable tourist attractions – but checking out a destination’s lesser-known spots is an eye-opening experience you won’t regret. Here are 6 tips to help you feel like a local no matter where you are / By Lihi Ron How to travel off the beaten path
discover the best restaurants, apart from getting recs from the locals, is to check which places have the longest queues of people waiting for a table. Look for places that are chock-full of local diners and stay away from wherever there are masses of tourists. Start by asking for recommendations at the local café, the people you’re staying with, or get lost among the side streets. You’ll inevitably discover hidden gems, small neighborhood eateries you won’t find in the big travel guides. 05 Use public transport. Whether it’s using the bus, the metro, renting a bike or a rikshaw, the best way to learn your way around a new place is by using public transport. Public transport isn’t just the cheapest way to get from A to B it’s also the best way to discover a place’s innerworkings and immerse yourself in the local language and everyday life. 06 Go on a guided tour with a local guide . Many places around the world offer the option to go on a guided tour with a local guide who will show you places around town that you won’t find in the big travel guides. A local guide will open your eyes to how the locals really live, eat, and party. They’ll tell you about the best nightlife venues, and perhaps even more importantly, about the ones to avoid. Tours are usually two to three hours long.
01 Read up on your room for spontaneity. Though it’s thoroughly
etc., breaks the ice with the locals who appreciate the effort made to learn a few words in their language. Nowadays, many language learning apps are available free of charge; they’ll help you acquire the basic language skills you need to feel almost at home wherever you go. 03 Rent an apartment in a residential area. Whatever your destination is, renting an apartment during your stay will give you a real taste of what everyday life is there. Same goes for staying at a B&B or bunking with locals in trendy parts of town. They are the best ways to really get a feel of how locals live, eat, and experience life. 04 Eat where the locals eat . One of the best ways to
destination but leave
recommended to have as much information as possible about your destination’s accommodation, food, and nightlife options, exploring the place on your own, without a guide and away from the main tourist attractions, can be a fascinating experience. Use social media for inspiration, ask locals where they like to have lunch or go for a walk, check if there are any live music shows or special events you can go to. 02 Learn a few basic phrases in the local language. You don’t have to be fluent but knowing a few words and phrases, like hello, thank you, how much is this, where’s the bathroom please,
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