אל על | אטמוספירה

Exhibition | The Phoenix Group Collection The Ramat Gan Museum of Israeli Art The Ramat Gan Museum of Israeli Art’s new cluster exhibition presents artworks by Israeli artists from the private collection of financial services company the Phoenix Group. More than 200 works, mostly paintings, but photos and sculptures as well, are exhibited across three floors, works by some of Israel’s greatest artists, including Joseph Zaritski, Nahum Gutman, Anna Ticho, Sionah Tagger, Uri Lifschitz, Sigalit Landau, and more. The Phoenix Group Collection is one of the most significant art collections in Israel. The exhibition explores three central aspects of Israeli identity, from the beginning of the 20 th century till today: the first floor is dedicated to works focusing on local identity, the second to works exploring the depiction of the human body in Israeli art, and the third to works that depict the notions of home and family. (Curator: Roni Cohen-Binyamini). Until June 2024, rgma.org.il

Uri Lifschitz, “Anonymity”, 1967 I Photo: Avraham Hai

Music | The Cleveland Orchestra Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem

The Cleveland Orchestra, one of the most important orchestras in the world, will be performing in Israel for the first time this month as part of its European tour to mark Israel’s 75 th year of Independence. Founded more than a century ago, the Cleveland Orchestra has been delighting audiences with its renowned elegance of sound ever since. Under the baton of Franz Welser-Möst, music director for the past 22 years, the orchestra will be giving three concerts, one in Haifa, one in Tel Aviv, and the last in Jerusalem, performing pieces by Mozart, Mahler, and Prokofiev, with the guest appearance of British baritone Simon Keenlyside. October 26 th – 28 th , ipo.co.il, clevelandorchestra.com

Photos: (Left) DIOZ by PR; (Right) Lior Hamama by PR

Pop-up art show | The Imperial Hotel - Wonderland 2 The Imperial Hotel, Tel Aviv

Following the success garnered by the previous exhibition curated by Yaara Zaks at the Imperial hotel, a new and even bigger one with new rooms and artists was launched last September, under the title “Imagining Utopia”. The artists taking part, have been asked to imagine what their utopia would look like, what the notion of a better world means to them. Visitors are invited to explore the exhibition’s 38 hotel rooms where the works of 58 different artists are showcased and exhibited. Until October 31 st , to-mix.co.il

Photo: Roger Mastroianni



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