אל על | אטמוספירה

VP of marketing for several years now, putting to good use her degrees in management and law. What are the main challenges of working with family? “The biggest issue is that we never stop working. But it’s also what’s fun about the job. We’re always talking about work – at mealtimes, on holiday, everywhere. And I love it!” How many shops do you have in Israel and the world? “In Israel there are 130 Golda and Anita shops combined. Abroad, we have 17 Anita shops in the US (in NY, Miami, LA, and Puerto Rico), one in London, another in Limassol, Cyprus, another in Australia and one that’s soon to open in New Zealand”. What’s your management style? “I like planning ahead and working as a team. I believe in allowing each member of the team to take part in every step of the business process. I place great trust in my team and it’s important to me that everyone gets a chance to fully express their abilities and talent”. What are the differences between the two brands and what do they imply in terms of marketing strategy? “The differences are significant. Golda is an Israeli brand, and the ice cream shops function as franchises. Golda ice cream is all about creating flavors that suit the Israeli palate. Anita on the other hand is an international brand and it is more upmarket in tone. Its expansion strategy is completely different, and you’ll usually find Anita shops in smaller neighborhoods such as Neve Tzedek in Tel Aviv. Anita flavors are more diverse and adventurous, including such ones as red grapefruit Campari or chocolate and mint”. What’s your main challenge as VP of marketing? “As VP of marketing my biggest challenge is to avoid surrendering to passing trends, stay loyal to our

Photos: Courtesy of Anita Ice Cream

brand values and keep getting people excited about our ice cream”. What do you think is the real secret behind the brand’s success? “First and foremost, it’s about hard work. And of course, the quality of the product and the constant strive for excellence and renewal”. What is your vision for the future? “We’re happy with the extent of our domestic presence. Abroad, the sky’s the limit. I believe Anita will mostly continue to expand in the US and in Australia”. Any tips for young entrepreneurs eager to succeed in Israel and abroad? “To realize you can learn something from everyone. From Nir and Adi I’ve learned that young entrepreneurs shouldn’t be afraid to dream big and that hard work is the key to success”. Adi Erez Avital, Anita Marketing VP: "My biggest challenge is to avoid surrendering to passing trends, stay loyal to our brand values and keep getting people excited about our ice cream"

Our quick questionnaire

Morning coffee: “At 5AM, a mug of instant coffee in my kitchen” Favorite thing to do in your spare time: “Pilates” Inspirational figure: “Michelle Obama. All at once a strong career woman, a supportive wife who was there for her husband when he needed her, and a great mother to her two amazing kids. I’d love to know how she manages to do it all: be a strong independent woman, an incredible wife and mother – and make it all seem effortless and natural”. Favorite holiday destination: “London of course! It’s my favorite city in the world, where I was lucky enough to live for a whole year in my early twenties”. Favorite ice cream flavor: “White chocolate and pistachio”.

Photo: Ronen Fadida



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