EL AL | Atmosphere
In-flight I Issue 273 I August 2023
Editor-in-Chief Nava Marton Production Manager Liat Mofaz Milchan English Translator and Copy Editor Gallia Bronowski Art Director Amram Pikarsky / Studio Liat Rosenzwieg Design Shiri Atzmon Cover Photo and Images ASAP Creative VP of Marketing, Trade and Sales Yaniv Ofir Business Development Manager Alon Fox Senior Sales Manager Ofer Stessel
The Promeneda in Ashdod
Editor’s Letter
Israel’s Mediterranean coastline spreads across 196 kilometers (the longest shoreline in Israel), with 17 km of bathing beaches that dozens of millions of people enjoy every year. The beaches of Tel Aviv are the most well-known, but there are gorgeous beaches along the coastline that are well-worth discovering. What better occasion than the summer to visit the coastal cities of Ashdod, Herzliya, and Netanya that not only have fantastic beaches, but fascinating visitors’ centers, watersports clubs, archeological sites, monuments and museums, great food, fairs and festivals. We’ve prepared a selection of the best spots to visit in each of these great beachside cities. Summer in Israel is synonymous with festivals and cultural events. In this
issue, you’ll find everything you need to know about the season’s cultural goings-on, including the Israel Festival, one of the most important annual festivals, opening on August 1 st under the dual theme of “Art and Battle” for ten days of fascinating, thought provoking dance, music, and theatre performances by major local and international artists. Also this month: a glimpse into the exciting world of design workshops, an overview of Israel’s booming wine bar scene, and as always, fashion, travel, gastronomy, and events guides, recommendations, and more. Wishing you all a pleasant read, a peaceful flight, and a wonderful summer, Nava Marton
Head of Inflight Entertainment & Connectivity Tal Kalderon Talkal@elal.co.il
Atmosphere Magazine is published monthly by RGE and LDI. Materials in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission. The opinions expressed in this magazine reflect those of the writers only, and not EL AL Airlines. The publisher and / or EL AL are not responsible for advertising content. For information regarding advertising opportunities Please contact Mr. Ofer Stessel at Tel: 052-8000618 Ofer_s@rge.co.il
Traveler’s Prayer May it be Thy will, Lord of Heaven and Earth, to lead us to peace and safety, to fly us in peace and safety to our desired destination, to find life, joy, and peace. Guard and watch us, we who fly the air pathways, cross the seas, and travel overland routes. Make firm the hands that guide the steering and sustain their spirit, so that they may lead us in peace and safety. For in You alone is our shelter from now unto eternity. The Lord bless thee, keep thee, the Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee, the Lord turns His face unto thee, and gives thee peace. Amen.
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