אל על | אטמוספירה

Our quick questionnaire

What makes you laugh? “My children. ”

What don’t people know about you? “That I eat mainly junk food.” If you weren’t a singer, what would you be? “Perhaps something in the field of education, although not a teacher.” Which place, that you have yet to be, would you like to visit? “Lately, Morocco is very interesting to me. My friends were there, and it piques my interest.” What do you do in your free time? “Watch sports, any sports, but mainly soccer. I’m addicted to sports.

each performance, was when people would write: ‘I was in the Menora Arena with 8,000 people and I felt that you were singing to me.’ This is my ultimate aim, and to me, this is also the best thing that can happen. This is how I define success. This feeling is what I want to bring home with me after a performance.” A New Contract with the Audience Recently, many artists have given up on albums and are only producing singles. However, there are also those who are sticking to the album concept. You are now choosing to put out a complete album. “I think that more and more artists are returning to releasing albums today, a trend that has grown more popular in recent years. Just this month, I’m aware of four albums being released, and a few more that are about to be released - and I think that’s great. As a child,



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