אל על | אטמוספירה

Meet the Crew

They welcome you with a smile when you arrive at the airport, make sure you are comfortable, and fly you safely to your destination – time to get up close and personal with the EL AL Israel Airlines ground and flight personnel. Meet Kathy Leicester, Station Manager

“Our ultimate goal is to provide the best service to our passengers”

Photos: Courtesy of EL AL

Name: Kathy Leicester | Age: 58 | Position: Station Manager | Years at EL AL: 32


How did you end up working at EL AL? “I ended up at EL AL because of my parents. My mother, who is from Iraq, and my British father moved to Israel from India in 1975, and they both worked for EL AL. Their experiences inspired my desire to also work for EL AL.” What does your position entail? “My position is Station Manager for both Terminal 3 and Terminal 1. The significance of my role is that during my shift, I am the Zubin Mehta of an orchestra, managing a large staff that includes maintenance, the control center, traffic, a special squad, greeters, baggage tracking, FM controllers, CM controllers, the airside manager, the landside manager, the counter 77 overseer, ticket sales and reservations, and suppliers. We all work together to

take care of customers from the moment they arrive at the airport until the aircraft doors close, and from the moment the plane lands in Israel and its doors open until the travelers leave the airport.” What do you most love about your position? “The work dynamics – I’m busy from the moment I clock in until my shift ends, and I return home. The atmosphere in the airport resembles a local carnival, bringing together a diverse and interesting array of travelers who fly EL AL. While at work, time seems to pass by quickly – I’m never looking at my watch.” What is the most challenging aspect of your work at EL AL? “For me, every day presents a new challenge, which is not like yesterday and certainly won’t be like tomorrow. As station personnel, we face a new, different, daily challenge of providing service to our passengers. Our ultimate goal is to provide the best service to our passengers that puts a smile on their faces - and on ours as well.” What do you always have in your suitcase? “Another small suitcase for shopping.” What’s your favorite EL AL destination and why? “Thailand because it exemplifies a true vacation: sun, a clear sea, fresh

bananas, lotus and pineapple smoothies. Real fun.” What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? “During my free time, I devote myself to pursuing a degree in criminology. Despite the difficulties of learning in Hebrew, I put all my efforts into my studies.” If you weren’t working for EL AL, what would you be doing? “In all honesty, I don’t spend any time thinking about what I would do if I didn’t work at EL AL. I feel fortunate to work for EL AL and hope to continue working here for many years to come.” Tips & Recommendations “I highly recommend flying to Kenya and enjoying the area of the Maasai tribe. It is an exciting experience that reveals the tribe’s interesting historical and contemporary lifestyle.”



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