EL AL | Atmosphere

selfies as they wish. When: every week; advance booking required For more info: starcar.co.il/eng Jerusalem by night JLM Light Tours When night falls and the stars come out, Jerusalem is even more stunning than during the day. JLM Light Tours offer a riveting nighttime bus ride across thirty of the city’s most important historical sites and monuments, haloed by urban evening lighting. This 90-minute tour, led by a guide and available in both English and Hebrew, takes passengers through Meytarim Bridge (illuminated at night by colorful projections), the Knesset, the walls of the Old City, the International YMCA building, the Tower of David, the Russian Compound, and many more magical Jerusalem must-sees. Passengers alight at three different stops for the opportunity to take in the views and plenty of selfies. It’s possible to get on the tour bus at one of five stops (including: the Old Station, the King David Hotel, the Royal Wing Hotel, the Olive Tree Hotel, and the Russian Compound), and to get off at the Western Wall. When: Mondays and Thursdays at 20:00, advance booking required For more info: pami.co.il/en/

JLM Light Tours I Photo: Studio Mazor

you’re heading to one of the bars, restaurants or art galleries situated in the “Royal quarter” (where all the streets are named after one ancient king or another), or to the Mamilla shopping mall, Teddy Park, or the Old City. When: Sun-Thu 05:30-24:00, Fri 05:30 until the beginning of Shabbat, Sat from after Shabbat until 24:00 For more info: cfir.co.il Electric, yellow, and cool The GoCar These bright yellow two-seaters are a new and fun way to tour the city. They’re small enough to make their way through narrow alleyways

and conveniently easy to park. The GoCar tour is led by a guide who takes a group of two-seaters on a 90-minute-long tour of the city (available in English as well). The tour begins at the old train station which nowadays is a major tourism hub, full of amazing restaurants and nightlife venues. It continues through the Mesila Park, the International YMCA building, the King David Hotel, and the Yamin Moshe and German Colony neighborhoods. It ends on an exploration of the Old City and of course, there are plenty of stops along the way to allow participants to take in all the sights and as many



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