EL AL | Atmosphere

Meet the Crew

They welcome you with a smile when you arrive at the airport, make sure you are comfortable, and fly you safely to your destination – time to get up close and personal with the EL AL Israel Airlines ground and flight crew. Meet Tania Gitman, Partnership Agreements Analyst at the International Affairs Department

“I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing more destinations open up for our passengers”

Name: Tania Gitman | Age: 45 | Status: Married +2 | Position: Partnership Agreements Analyst at the International Affairs Department | Years at EL AL : 20


Photos: Courtesy of EL AL

What led you to join EL AL? “I came to Israel from the Ukraine without my parents when I was 16 thanks to a youth initiative program. I boarded an EL AL flight in Kyiv together with other teens leaving their home country behind just like me, and I felt welcomed and cared for by the flight crew. It was as if I’d found my real home. Almost 30 years have passed since then, but I still get emotional every time I see an EL AL plane take off. I’ve been working with the company for 20 years now and it feels like we’re one big family here”. What does your position entail? “My job is to follow market and airline industry developments, spot potential destinations that partnership agreements with other airline companies could open for us, and create a product that’s attractive both in terms of connection options and price”. What do you most like about your job? “I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing more destinations open up for our passengers thanks to the partnerships we strike. It’s always a great feeling to see the LY code appear on the flight board aside names of faraway destinations”. Which part of your job do you find most challenging? “Our industry is

constantly changing and dynamics are fast paced, so the most challenging part of the job is to know how to recognize partnership potential in the midst of uncertainty”. What do you always have in your suitcase ? “Coffee”. Which EL AL destination do you most enjoy flying to and why? “I love Italy. I recently visited Venice – such a magical, majestic city”. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? “I love traveling with my family, exploring Israel or flying somewhere new and exciting”. What would you be doing now had you not joined EL AL? “I’d be working for the Ministry of Tourism to encourage tourists to come to Israel”.

Tips & Recommendations My recommendations are all Venice-related as it’s the last place I visited: The T Fondaco dei Tedeschi rooftop: a free and incredible scenic viewpoint. Make sure you book in advance. Burano: a charming and picturesque little island where there are romantic canals, bridges and boats at every turn, and each house is painted a different color. Easy to reach, it’s a 40-minute vaporetto-ride away from Venice. Caffè Al Theatro: a great place to have breakfast. The coffee is perfect, and the pastries are delicious. Tip: get a guide to show you around on your first day – you learn so much and it’ll help you outline the rest of your stay.



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