EL AL | Atmosphere

April 2023

Issue 269 | April 2023

Israel Celebrates

Years of Independence

Explore the vineyards of Israel Surrounded by spectacular landscapes and beautiful walking trails, vineyards are the perfect setting for a romantic getaway a day of fun with friends or a family picnic. Discover Israel’s fascinating wine routes, from north to south

16 P.

Flying on a 737 or 777 aircraft? Switch your mobile device to flight mode, select the EL AL network, and scan the QR code or open your browser and enter: wifi.elal.com to enjoy hundreds of movies, TV shows, music and games on your personal device

LEVANT CUISINE by Chef Nimrod Hadas Manara is a Levantine-Israeli cuisine restaurant, facing the spectacular view of tel Aviv beaches and completing the Levantine experience that characterizes the restaurant’s kitchen, an Interpretation of the local Israeli culinary culture, and broad Mediterranean influences. Manara’s seasonal menu includes carefully selected fresh local ingredients, fresh fish from the Mediterranean, organic vegetables, hand-made pastas, a variety of oven-baked breads, quality cheeses and desserts made daily in front of diners, led by Chef Nimrod Hadas and his staff. For reservations: www.manaratlv.com 03. 6702220 Hayarkon 115 St. Tel-Aviv


In-flight I Issue 269 I April 2023


Editor-in-Chief Nava Marton Production Manager Liat Mofaz Milchan English Translator and Copy Editor Gallia Bronowski Art Director Amram Pikarsky / Studio Liat Rosenzwieg Design Shiri Atzmon Cover Photo and Images ASAP Creative VP of Marketing, Trade and Sales Yaniv Ofir Business Development Manager Alon Fox Senior Sales Manager Ofer Stessel

Editor’s Letter April, and with it the spring and Passover holidays, opens the way towards travel season. As the weather gets warmer, the Passover and Easter holidays offer the perfect occasion to take a long trip with the family. This month, Israel is also celebrating 75 years of Independence, so we’ve prepared an extra festive issue we hope will inspire you to explore new places and destinations. If you happen to be on your way to celebrate the holidays in Israel, our guide to its wine routes tells of the fascinating archeological discoveries that show that wine has been produced and consumed in this part of the world for 3,000 years, and of course, it’s got the lowdown on the best wineries in the country, from north to south. To mark Yom HaZikaron, Memorial Day

for Israel’s fallen soldiers, and Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, also taking place this month, this issue includes ideas and suggestions of memorial sites to visit across the country, where the landscapes are breathtaking and past and present tragedies are honored and remembered. Also this month: Hofesh Shechter, one of the most successful Israeli choreographers in the world, is in Israel with his new show, a taste of some of the best gourmet kosher restaurants in Israel, ideas for Passover gifts created by Israeli designers, and as always, plenty of recommendations, events, guides, and ideas. I wish you all a pleasant read, a peaceful flight, and a very Happy Passover,

Head Of Inflight Entertainment & Connectivity Tal Kalderon Talkal@elal.co.il

Atmosphere Magazine is published monthly by RGE and LDI. Materials in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission. The opinions expressed in this magazine reflect those of the writers only, and not EL AL Airlines. The publisher and / or EL AL are not responsible for advertising content. For information regarding advertising opportunities Please contact Mr. Ofer Stessel at Tel: 052-8000618 Ofer_s@rge.co.il

Nava Marton

Traveler’s Prayer May it be Thy will, Lord of Heaven and Earth, to lead us to peace and safety, to fly us in peace and safety to our desired destination, to find life, joy, and peace. Guard and watch us, we who fly the air pathways, cross the seas, and travel overland routes. Make firm the hands that guide the steering and sustain their spirit, so that they may lead us in peace and safety. For in You alone is our shelter from now unto eternity. The Lord bless thee, keep thee, the Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee, the Lord turns His face unto thee, and gives thee peace. Amen.



In-flight I Issue 269 I April 2023


45 46 News 48 In-flight Entertainment 50 New Movies 52 Top 6 53 Editor’s Pick 54 In-flight Internet Access 55 Meet the Crew 56 Destinations Map 59 Fleet

Check-in 6

See the Sights 16 Explore The vineyards of Israel: spring is the perfect time to explore its myriad wine routes, from north to south 22 Discover Trekking through memory: beautiful memorials and commemorative sites across Israel Magazine 24 The Freedom to Dance A peek into “Double Murder”, choreographer Hofesh Shechter’s new show

Lifestyle 26 Food 6 kosher restaurants you need to know about 34 Leisure Little Pleasures 36 Design

Travel News April Highlights 8 What’s on our Radar this Month Local Events 10 Our Guide 6 tips for a frictionless vacation with teenagers 12 Checklist Flight Essentials 14 Wellness 5 Blue Zones around the world

Israeli designer Passover gifts

Business 40

Investing in values EL AL for the community



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In collaboration with

Check-in I Travel News & Updates

April Highlights

Consider this Are those clouds in the sky?

All sorts of conspiracy theories have been thrown around over the years about the white trails left by planes in the sky. In actuality, they're due to a relatively simple phenomenon: they're called contrails (short for condensation trails) and are streaks of vapor released by aircraft engine exhausts at cruising carbon dioxide of the engine exhaust mixes with the freezing temperatures that exist at high altitudes (-40° at 30,000 ft above ground), condensing the vapor into millions of tiny water droplets which form the contrails. Contrails are only visible on the ground on clear days and when the plane is at maximum altitude. They persist in the air when humidity is high and there isn't any wind. altitude. The hot humid water and

Spotlight | End of an era – no more passport stamps in the EU

The European Union will soon present the new Entry/Exit System (EES) that will register non-EU visitors digitally, removing the need for physical stamps. "The EES will replace the current time-consuming system of manual stamping that doesn't provide reliable data on border crossings and doesn't allow a systematic detection of overstayers", reads a statement from the European Commission’s department for Migration and Home Affairs. The new system, due to launch later

this year, will require visitors to provide biometric data (fingerprints and facial images). Under the new system, visitors from countries who do not need a visa to enter the Schengen Zone, will need to obtain travel authorization online through the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) due to launch in 2024, against a fee of €7. Valid for three years and released on the spot, the ETIAS will only be obtainable digitally.

A new national park in the Golan Heights After 20 years of archeological excavations, the Susita national park has finally been inaugurated in the southern Golan Heights. The new park is full of archeological findings from the Roman era, including an impressive aqueduct, the remains of an ancient basilica, as well as of other churches. The Nature and Parks Authority expect Susita to become a major tourist attraction for travelers from all over the world. Nature and Parks Authority Photo: Sarit Palachi Miara,

Simulation: Feigin Architects

A new Fattal hotel soon to open in Eilat The Fattal hotel chain has announced the launch of a new luxury hotel in Eilat with 300 rooms and suites, a lobby lounge-bar, restaurants, a spa, a gym, a swimming pool, a rooftop bar with adjacent pool overlooking the beautiful view, conference halls, a mall, and more. The exclusive hotel, designed according to the highest international standards, is set to launch in 2025.

Taiwan will pay people to come and visit Taiwan has said it will pay individual tourists $165 to come and visit it, and a $658 grant to 90,000 groups. The aim is to increase the number of visitors to the country after its three-year pandemic induced lockdown, with the hope to see 6 million tourists come in 2023 and double that amount in 2024.



tel aviv biennale of crafts & design 2023

Bubu Ogisi, from the series I Am Not Myself, 2022, photo: Roni Cnaani

what is the measure of man ?

Opening: March 31

הביאנלה לאומנויות ולעיצוב תל אביב Tel Aviv Biennale of Crafts & Design بينالي تل أبيب للحِرف والتصميم

Check-in I Local events I April 2023 I Shiri Brook-Sagie

What’s On Our Radar This Month

Crafts and Design | The Tel Aviv Biennale of Crafts & Design 2023 MUZA - Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv The Biennale is the perfect place to get a clear snapshot of contemporary Israeli crafts and design. This edition, under the title “What is the Measure of Man?”, explores the human condition on the threshold of a new age. Aside from the 250 Israeli artists and designers participating this year, the Biennale also includes international figures of the design world whose work echoes ancient cultures and traditions. From March 31 st , eretzmuseum.org.il/e/

Gal Kuflik and Yam ben Adiba (Yambo) I Photo: Avi Amsalem

Art and Technology | This is not ART The Jerusalem International Convention Center As we all know, AI has made its way into every layer of society, and art is no exception. Curated by visual artist Sapir Bronzberg Levi, the “This is not ART” exhibition presents a collection of works including digital illustrations, AR creations, and AI-powered computer animation. Visitors are invited to scan QR codes that bring to life the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Frida Kahlo, or Yayoi Kusama. Entrance is free. Until end of June 2023, iccjer.co.il/en/

Work by Sapir Bronzberg Levi



Flower Festival | Colors of the Spring Ramat Gan National Park The city of Ramat Gan is celebrating its 100 th anniversary with a fantastic flower festival, Colors of the Spring. The festival will display huge 4-6 meters-high flower sculptures and projection mapping displays across the park. The giant flower sculptures represent figures of the sea, such as a whale, an octopus, a mermaid, etc., The projection mapping installation includes 25 monumental light and video displays placed around the lake. Entrance is free. April 3 rd – 15 th and personal with more than 200 original works of one of the most important and influential artists of the 20 th century, inspiring street artists and graffitists everywhere in the world. Until June 30 th 2023, keith-art.co.il Art Exhibition | Untitled - By Keith Haring Arena Mall, Herzliya Pop art and graffiti aficionados are in for a treat. But in truth, the arrival in Israel of this exceptional Keith Haring exhibition is good news for art lovers of any kind. It’s a great opportunity to come up close

Photo: Shuka Choen

Music | The Days of Song Festival 2023 Holon Theatre

A celebration of classic Israeli tunes, with shows dedicated to beloved Israeli songwriters and singers. This year, concerts include, among others, one in honor of singer Shoshana Damari, born exactly 100 years ago, another in honor of songwriter and poet Natan Yonatan, and one in memory of singer Yitzhak Klepter who passed away last December. Among the artists taking part are: Shlomi Shaban, Ninet Tayeb, Miki Kam, Tuvia Tzafir, Shlomit Aharon, Sassi Keshet, Ester Rada, etc. April 9 th – 12 th , hth.co.il/english/

Animation by Ofir Cohen

Theatre | The Theatronetto Festival Jaffa and Akko

A festival of monologues and monodramas, Theatronetto is a celebration of the noble craft of acting. Founded in 1990 by theatre

director Yaakov Agmon, the festival has been directed by his wife the actress Gila Almagor since his passing. Eight plays are staged this year, among which a new monodrama by Zeruya Shalev, a play about the extraordinary life of Palestinian actor Hashem Yassin, and the adaptation of Christopher Hampton’s one-woman play about Joseph Goebbels’ secretary. April 8 th – 10 th , jaffatheatre.org.il/en/, acco-tc.com/en

Ester Rada I Photo: Ohad Roman

Photo: Oshri Biton



Check-in I Our Guide


tips for vacationing with your teenage kids

Worried your teenager will wreak havoc on the family vacation? Here are a few suggestions to help ensure your family trip is animosity-free and as fun as can be \ By Nirit Zuk

04 Screen time One of the main reasons animosity may arise between parents and teens on family trips, is the matter of screen time. Some families choose not to purchase WiFi deals for their kids when on holiday, so that they only use their phones in the hotel, while others opt for banning phones at mealtimes. Whatever strategy you choose, make sure you talk about it with your kids before the trip so that they know what to expect. 05 21 st century quality time Let us not forget screens and social media also have positive sides to them. Family selfies and videos are memories to cherish forever, so don’t be too strict and let your teens have fun with them and share their experiences with their friends online. 06 Flexibility, patience, and privacy Even if you planned every single moment of your trip in advance, always remember unexpected things can occur – for instance your teenager may suddenly decide to stay in the hotel for the day. Make sure you remain flexible and patient, and accept their need for privacy.

01 Involve them in the planning phase This generation of teenagers, Gen Z and Gen Alpha, wants to feel independent and separate from the grown-ups, but also wants to have their opinions listened to and their voices heard. This is why it’s so important to involve them when you’re planning the details of your trip, from where to go, to when, to with whom and how long for. 02 Consider their likes and dislikes When picking which sites to visit it’s best to let your teenager choose one or two sites and attractions that particularly interest them. It’s a great opportunity to get them to read about the city or country you’re going to visit. Perhaps

you can even get them to plan an itinerary, check opening hours of such and such a museum or monument, look for recommendations, etc. This way, your teenager feels involved and that they’ve got something specific to look forward to. 03 Set a budget Deciding on how much shopping money to give your child on your trip, can lead to anger, disappointment, and frustration. In order to avoid tempers conscious consumerism, best set a shopping budget for the whole trip so that they can plan what they want to buy and be more careful with the money they receive. rising and to teach your child financial independence and

Nirit Zuk is a youth culture researcher and lecturer, and CEO of the "EserPlus" web portal for parents and teens


The best indoor amusement park in the world located 15 minutes from the center of Jerusalem. DUBAI IN ISRAEL!

T he Magic-Kass Park opened its doors in the city of Ma'ale Adumim. Designed to suit all ages, this indoor park promises to provide an unforgettable experience for families and thrill-seekers alike. The park features 18 different rides, from delicate carousels to heart-rending roller coasters, ensuring there's something for everyone. to create a park that would appeal to people of all ages," said the park's founder. "Our goal was to create an immersive experience that combines the excitement of a playground with the comfort of an indoor venue". Magic Kass has already become a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, offering a unique entertainment option in the heart of Israel. The park has also implemented a range of safety measures to ensure that visitors can enjoy their day without any worries. With exciting rides, delicious dining options, and a convenient location, Magic Kass is quickly becoming a must-see destination for families and theme park enthusiasts in Israel, with attractions suitable for all ages. For young kids, there are rides like cheerful turn swings and a pirate ship parallel to a huge jamboree and many attractions for toddlers as well, while older kids and adults can enjoy more exciting rides like the Beresheet and the Looper - a roller coaster that makes 4 complete loops at 60 km/h. The park also has a concert venue, and a huge arcade floor with 200 of the latest games updated regularly. In addition to the facilities, there are a variety of restaurants and food stalls inspired by Alice in Wonderland visitors can enjoy while taking a break from the rides and sit and watch people in one of the many balconies seating areas. At Magic- Kass, there is a high demand for its banquet halls that host Bar Mitzvah ceremonies, marriage proposals, and birthdays for an unforgettable experience where your guests will talk about the event. In addition, visitors can enjoy a variety of restaurants and food stalls located within the park. "We wanted

Photos: Courtesy of Magic Kass


Check-in I Checklist

Flight essentials for your next trip

Your next favorite suitcase Big, collapsible and 100% designed in Israel Those already familiar with Israeli brand Rollnik suitcases, will be delighted to hear they’re launching the first collapsible big suitcase in the world – the Flex 360° Spinner. The new design is 52X28.5X76, features four 360° double spinner wheels, offers an intelligently designed interior with multiple pockets, and a built-in TSA approved lock. The Flex 360° merely weighs 4.7kg, is made of impact resistant durable polycarbonate hard shell (except for the textile element in the middle that renders the suitcase collapsible), offers a storage volume of up to 100L, and comes with a 5-year warranty. It folds flat to barely 15cm, making it storable practically anywhere – so convenient, especially at home, since that’s where it stays most of the time. The Flex 360° Spinner comes in 8 different colors and is garnering great success in department stores worldwide, notably at Macy’s in the USA and KaDeWe in Germany. NIS 639, available online via rollnik.co.il and in selected stores

Portable Bluetooth speaker by Rasta NIS 149, available via approved resellers and electronics importer Sirius Electronics Ltd. via sel.co.il

Watertight phone pouch, stays waterproof up to 1m deep and for 30 minutes; quick and simple zip fastening; allows you to use touchscreen functions when out of the water NIS 48, available at Decathlon stores and online via decathlon.co.il

Set of Troika hard-case travel organizers with interior mesh compartments and numerous elastic loops for storing everyday accessories, chargers, beauty products, toiletries, earphones, flashlights, etc. NIS 134, available at the Swagg store in Netanya and online via swagg.co.il

Men’s hiking sandals by Outdoor Revolution, “Pine” model; soft, resistant, woven straps, ankle-supporting insole, and ultra-flexible rubber outsole, lightweight and comfortable NIS 179, available at selected outdoor gear stores and online via kalgav.co.il

Hiking boots by Dafna, “Scout” model for Teva Naot, exists in canvas or in leather, light and flexible sole made of polyurethane with trail-gripping rubbers on the outsole, NIS 299 (for canvas model), NIS 399 (for leather model), available at Teva Naot stores and online via tevanaot.co.il

Moroccanoil on-the-go travel kit with hair treatment products (for hydration, treating damaged hair, and volume) + an on-the-go body treatment kit NIS 169 per kit, available at approved stores and hair salons across Israel and online via moroccanoil.com


Photos: PR

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I Check-in I Wellness

and how to channel their life-prolonging force \ By Shiri Brook-Sagie 5 Blue Zones * around the world

known for their healthy, vegetarian, active lifestyle. They avoid smoking, alcohol, sugar, and fat, and eat a diet resembling that of biblical times. The lesson to us: integrate more whole grains, nuts, fruit and vegetables to your diet, and reduce meat, alcohol, and sugar consumption. Nicoya, Costa Rica This Central American nation isn’t that far from the US geographically, but its inhabitants enjoy a much higher longevity than any other nation on the continent. Several factors are at play here, among which high consumption of calcium-rich water (this can perhaps explain the lower rates of heart disease as well as of stronger bones), and a positive outlook on life called “plan de vida” which provides a reason to live. The lesson to us: aside from consuming a calcium rich diet, strengthen social ties to increase levels of joy, celebrate elders, and focus on family and friends. * Blue zones are areas of the world where people live the longest lives, relative to the rest of the world’s population, and consistently reach the age of 100

Ikaria, Greece The inhabitants of Ikaria, a tiny rocky island in the Aegean Sea, are famous for their longevity: one in three make it to their 90s. A combination of factors explains this, including geography, culture, diet, lifestyle, and outlook on life. The longest-lived Ikarians tended to be poor people living in the island’s highlands. They were physically active, growing their own vegetables and walking everywhere, took afternoon naps, centered life around family, and practiced the religious fasting of the Christian tradition. The lesson to us: practice enjoyable physical activity (eg. gardening), eat a veggie-loaded Mediterranean-style diet, nap, and fast occasionally (fasting has been proven to slow down the aging process). Okinawa, Japan The biggest island of the Japanese archipelago, Okinawa is known as a Blue Zone because of the longevity and good health in old age of its inhabitants. Okinawans have less cancer, heart disease and dementia, and women there live

Okinawa, Japan

longer than any women on the planet. So what’s their secret? One reason is that their diet is mostly veggie-based, loaded with Okinawan sweet potato, soy, a type of sour melon called goya, and turmeric. They also practice tai-chi, are viscerally dedicated to friends and family, and follow the principles of ikigai which teaches the power of finding a reason to live. The lesson to us: apart from eating a healthy diet, bolster your social network - it supports people well into old age. Ogliastra, Sardinia The first Blue Zone to have been discovered in the world, Ogliastra is famous for having the highest number of centenarian men (ten more centenarians per capita than in the US for instance). The cluster of

villages in the Sardinian province of Ogliastra, isolated geographically and culturally, has preserved its healthy way of life across the generations. Ogliastrans hunt, fish and gather the food they consume, they walk extensively (more than 5 km a day), and place family and laughter at the heart of their lives. The lesson to us: since hunting and gathering isn’t really applicable to western life, the lesson here is to get yourself a step counter and go for long daily walks – and to make sure you keep a sense of humor about you. Loma Linda, California The inhabitants of the Californian town of Loma Linda are Seventh-Day Adventists who believe Saturday is the weekly day of rest and not Sunday like in other Christian faiths. Loma Lindans are






See the Sights I Eat, Travel, Enjoy

Wine routes exploring the vineyards of Israel With its 300 wineries, the land of milk and honey is overflowing with the nectar of the Gods – Merlot, Cabernet, Chardonnay, you name it, Israel's got it. Spring is the perfect time to explore its myriad wine routes, from north to south \ By Ariela Aflalo


These past years, Israel has become a real winemaking powerhouse, producing exquisite award-winning wines. Many archeological findings testify to the fact that getting a little tipsy is definitely an ancestral pastime in this part of the world: amphorae and other winemaking utensils that date back to more than 3,000 years ago, have been discovered across the country. Vineyards are the perfect setting for a romantic getaway, a day of fun with friends, or a family picnic. Here’s an overview of the country’s best wineries and wine routes. The wine routes of the Golan Heights The earth here is rich with minerals and the weather ideal for vines: rainfall, heat in the day, cold temperatures at night. The “Golan Heights Winery” is the first winery to have been founded here 40 years ago and is considered one of the nation’s trailblazing establishments that paved the way for Israeli winemakers. There are now more than 20 wineries here, that draw visitors year-round, keen to explore the beautiful surroundings and taste the delicious wine. Here are two exceptional Golan wineries well worth a visit: Château Golan Winery, Moshav Eliad: one of the oldest wineries in the region, it is probably also one of the grandest. Wine tastings take place in the elegant cellar. Château Golan Winery Assaf Winery, Moshav Kidmat Tzvi: a family-friendly hospitality hub with a B&B, a coffee shop and a winery managed by a second-generation family of farmers. Tours of the vineyard and wine tasting sessions are organized in the moshav kitchen where visitors delight in delicious cakes, sourdough breads, tapas-style food, meat and fish dishes, cheeses,

local vegetables, and more. assafwinery.com

More wineries in the Golan Heights: Bazelet Hagolan, Mika Winery, Tel Shifon. The wine routes of the Galilee The Galilee is considered the wine capital of Israel with up to five thousand acres of vineyards, and more than 40 wineries. Once a year (May 17 th and 18 th this year), a wine festival takes place in Rosh Pina (wine.galil.gov.il). Here are two of the region’s best wineries: Galil Mountain Winery: surrounded by vineyards and forests, this winery is a joy to explore. Guided tours show visitors the whole winemaking process and include a winetasting session. Pro tip: take your wine glass out with you onto the balcony and let your eyes feast on the superb view. galilmountain.co.il/en

Château Golan I Photo: Shachar Fleischmann

Bazelet Hagolan I Photo: Boaz Eshkol



See the Sights I Eat, Travel, Enjoy

The wine routes of the Carmel Wine production in Zikhron Yaakov took off when the Baron de Rothschild settled here in the late 19 th century. He planted vines and built a bottle factory, (though the factory never quite launched as intended, and later became the Mizgaga Museum of Archeology and Glass), but the vines grew and grew and wine production in this part of the world flourished and continues to do so to this day. Here are a few of the most notable wineries: Carmel Winery, Zikhron Yaakov: the first and biggest winery in Israel, founded by the Baron de Rothschild in 1892. A guided tour of the winery begins with a short film about its history, then there’s a tour of the fermentation tanks, the bottle hall and barrel cellar, and it ends with a tasting session around a huge “knights’ table”. There’s also a café-restaurant and a shop-cum-art gallery. carmelwines.co.il/en/visitors-center/ Tishbi Winery, Zikhron Yaakov: winemakers for five generations, the Tishbi family also produces brandy in the nearby distillery. They also import the exceptional Valrhona chocolate. The winery has a magnificent visitors’ center that offers a multisensorial

Vinyards in Judeah Hills I Photo: Ariela Aflalo

Tishbi Winery I Photo: Ariela Aflalo

Moa Winery, Moshav Tzofar I Photo: Tom Eldar

Adir Winery, Dalton Industrial Park: the visitors’ center screens documentaries about the winery’s foundation and the winemaking and cheesemaking

processes. Wine and cheese tasting sessions take place in the bar, and there’s a café and deli

with a lovely patio. adir-winery.com

The wine route of the Jezreel Valley

Twelve wineries were established in the Jezreel Valley in the past years and in 2021, they all decided to unite. In collaboration with the regional council, they launched an all-encompassing wine route experience which includes organizing workshops, guided tours, meet-ups and activities, as well as a yearly wine festival (this year it takes place on May 18 th ). Some of the most notable wineries in the region are: Sadot Winery in Moshav Sde Yaakov, Tulip Winery in Kfar Tikva, and HaYogev 8 Winery in Moshav HaYogev. emekyizrael.org.il

Hayogev 8 Winery I Photo: Gay Rachmian

Tulip Winery I Photo: Gil kovalchuk


See the Sights I Eat, Travel, Enjoy

The wine routes of the south the Negev and the Arava In biblical times, the Negev was an important winemaking region, as many archeological findings reveal. The last few decades have revived the ancient agricultural traditions of this part of the world, and vines have been abundantly planted. Wineries have opened, and the local wine scene is gaining traction. Merage Foundation Israel has recently launched a collaborative website that unites thirty of the region’s wineries. The winemaking process here is a fascinating blend of ancient tradition and agricultural innovation, and the new website is full of information about the process itself and the various wineries involved. Some of the most notable wineries in the region: the Nana Estate Winery in Mitzpe Ramon, Pinto Winery in Yeruham, and Moa Winery in Moshav Tzofar. negevwine.co.il/en/

Castel Winery I Photo: Ariela Aflalo

Kadma Winery I Photo: Ariela Aflalo

Workshops are regularly organized. binyaminawines.co.il/en/ Amphorae Winery, Kerem Maharal: one of the most beautiful wineries in Israel, it is part of an organic farm right by a black tuff mountain ridge, surrounded by olive groves, vineyards, and fields of lavender and wildflowers. A pathway passing through the orchard leads to the visitors’ center where guided tours of the winery begin. Delicious picnic assortments with cheeses, charcuterie, and salads can be purchased and enjoyed on the farm grounds. amphorae_wines The wine routes of the Judean Hills Wine has been produced in this part of the world for over 3,000 years. Archeological remains of ancient amphorae and wine jugs have been found on every hill and slope here. Nowadays, there are 50 wineries operating, spread across the Valley

of Elah and the Jerusalem hills. Here are two of the most notable: Castel Winery, Moshav Yad Shmona: one of the most high-end and exclusive wineries in Israel, the Castel Winery organizes guided tours on which visitors hear about its history, discover the fermentation room and barrel cellar, and taste delicious wine and cheese. castel.co.il/en/ Kadma Winery, Kfar Uriah: founded by winemaker Lina Slotzkin who was looking to reconnect with her Georgian roots, Kadma Winery follows an ancient winemaking process that allows the wine to ferment in ceramic jugs and oak barrels. Slotzkin conducts tours of the grounds and winetasting sessions. There’s also a café restaurant with a beautiful garden and fantastic views. kadma-wine.co.il/language/en/ More wineries in the Judeah Hills: Tzora vineyards, Kerem Barak ■

experience with workshops, wine, brandy, and chocolate tasting sessions. There’s also a restaurant, and a barbecue eatery that operates on Fridays. tishbi.com/en/ Binyamina Winery: located in a beautiful arched structure built in the 1930’s, this winery is such an interesting place to visit. The guided tours it offers cover the whole winemaking process, from destemming to fermentation, and end with tasting sessions in the barrel cellar and wine tasting room.


Embrace Your Freedom This Passover & Choose a Luxury Yossi Avrahami Apartment!

The Yossi Avrahami Group invites you to discover a variety of deluxe residences all over Israel, presenting the very highest standard in modern living. It’s time to level up to a truly inspiring residential experience. Wishing you a happy, kosher Passover!







Images are for illustration purposes only

* 2232

See the Sights I Remembrance Trails

Trekking through memory There are beautiful memorial and commemorative sites across Israel that honor the fallen and keep their memory alive. Here are five remembrance trails to explore, steeped in history, beauty, and meaning \ By Ariela Aflalo

The Eitan Observation Deck Ramot Naftali Eitan Belhasan, one of the most admired commanders of the Paratroopers Brigade, was killed in February 1999 in the South Lebanon conflict. Belhasan was born and raised in Ramot Naftali, and his family requested he be commemorated in the place he loved the most, the observation point in front of their home that overlooks the Hula Valley. The Belhasan family have also built an impressive birdwatching deck nearby with a beautiful olive tree crowning it at the front. When the skies are clear, it’s possible to see the mountains of the Golan Heights, the tip of mount Hermon, and even the Lebanese hill on which Eitan was killed. This special memorial site, surrounded by a botanical garden, has become one of the most visited remembrance sites in Israel, by simple trekkers, schoolchildren, and groups of soldiers alike. The Nimrod Observation Deck Rosh Pina Nimrod Segev, fourth generation to a family that founded Rosh Pina, was killed in the second Lebanese war. His father Hezi erected an observation deck to honor his memory as well as that of the other soldiers that died with him in the same tank. He built it beside the fig tree Nimrod used to play and rest under and from where the view of the Golan Heights is breathtaking. The memorial also harbors a big

The Helicopters Disaster Memorial I Photo: Smadar Seri

out against the sky where the accident occurred, placed around a basalt pool, shaped in such a way as to symbolize the circle of life, and containing stones engraved with the names of all the soldiers. Water flows directly from the pool through a canal, across bushes and greenery, before reaching the river Dan. The area is full of trek trails and nature reserves to discover, such as Tel Dan, the Ayun stream and the Hermon stream.

The Helicopters Disaster Memorial She’ar Yeshuv

On February 4 th 1997, two Israeli Air Force helicopters collided midair over a moshav in the Upper Galilee, killing everyone on board. The memorial commemorating the terrible disaster is one of the most impressive memorial sites in the country. Seventy-three rocks representing the 73 victims stand


The Adir Observation Deck I Photo: Ariela Aflalo

The Nimrod Observation Deck I Photo: Hezi Segev

The Eitan Observation Deck I Photo: courtesy of the family

HaHamisha Spring I Photo: Noga Meshel

picture of Nimrod and a ceramic feature depicting the Dead Sea. Hezi has also created a beautiful garden beside the observation deck, with seating nooks, a telescope, and an audio installation that allows visitors to listen to Iris, Nimrod’s mother, talk about her fallen son, and to Ehud his brother, telling his story in English. Hezi has made the observation deck the project of his life and relies on donations for its maintenance and upkeep. He also leads tours of Rosh Pina and of its ancient synagogue. HaHamisha Spring Shadmot Dvora The Shadmot Dvora spring was first dug in 1941 to provide water for the settlement. In 2014, refurbishments and improvements were undertaken

and a year later, it was decided that it would become a commemoration site to honor the memory of Ishay Shor, David Deri, Raz Sagi, Nadav Raymond, and Daniel Kedmi who died during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in 2014. Their names are engraved in the rocks at the entrance to the spring and a pentagonal pool has been built with a side devoted to each soldier. The water in the pool flows directly from the spring and makes for a delightful stop on your way to the Sea of Galilee or another trek trail in the area. There are picnic tables beside the spring as well. The Adir Observation Deck Mount Meron Nature Reserve Mount Adir is part of the Mount Meron nature reserve and is

adjacent to the settlements of Netua, Hurfeish and Matat. The mountain rises to a height of 1,008 meters above sea level and is one of the tallest mountains in Israel. Its impressive observation deck commemorates the 121 soldiers killed in the second Lebanese war and was built under the initiative of their families with the participation of the Jewish National Fund and the Israeli Parks and Nature Authority. The deck is a wide wooden balcony that overlooks beautiful views, including of where the battles took place during the war. The names of the fallen are engraved in metal plates, as are the stories of the battles that took place. The observation deck is surrounded by greenery and there are wonderful trek trails to discover in the area. ■



Magazine I Performing Arts

The Freedom to Dance The meteoric rise of British-Israeli choreographer Hofesh Shechter has garnered him thousands of fans and admirers worldwide. After a long time away from Israeli stages, he is back this month with his show "Double Murder", an exciting journey into the depths of the human condition \ By Anat Zecharia

Hofesh Shechter is considered one of the most interesting choreographers working today. In the space of a few years, some of the world’s most important performing arts institutions have given him free rein and considerable budgets to create his shows. Today, at the age of 48, Shechter has made an indelible mark in the world of dance, running shows in London, Amsterdam and Paris

Double Murder I Photo: Todd MacDonald


“Political Mother”, the first full-length dance show he created 12 years ago. Double Murder: deep emotions and painful truths Shechter’s creations draw audiences into powerful physical worlds that are full of frantic energy. The show running here in Israel this month, “Double Murder”, combines two of his previous works: “Clowns” and “The Fix”. “Clowns” premiered in 2016 at the Nederlands Dans Theatre and describes the toxic energy and surging violence bubbling away in a louche circus cabaret where people are treacherous and false. On the other hand, “The Fix” is a short piece involving seven dancers, created in reaction to the pandemic and the sense of loneliness and isolation it brought on. It zooms into the notions of vulnerability, meditativeness and compassion and is danced to perfection by Shechter’s incredible performers to the sound of music composed by Shechter himself of course. “Double Murder” explores painful truths and dissects our deepest emotions, but as Shechter says: “artists often get questioned about what the intentions are behind such and such a creation. I think it has no importance whatsoever. The only thing that matters is what happens on stage and how the audience responds”. ■ “Double Murder” will show at the Tel Aviv Opera, from April 19 th and for five nights only, israel-opera.co.il

Double Murder I Photo: Todd MacDonald

notably at its Théâtre de la Ville in Montmartre. Israeli audiences have barely had the opportunity to delight in his creations, so this month’s staging of his latest show “Double Murder” at the Tel Aviv Opera is an incredible chance to finally witness his art in the flesh. A Tony nomination and an OBE Shechter was born in Jerusalem and began playing the piano at six, though it soon became clear his passion lay in dancing. He went on to study at the Jerusalem Academy of Dancing and joined the Bat Sheva Dance Company during his military service. He spent three years as a Bat Sheva dancer and studied drumming in his free time, before leaving to try his luck in Europe. He then moved to Paris to study music and drumming and in 2002 moved to London where he began performing with the Jasmin Vardimon Company. In 2003 he staged his first creation called “Fragments”, for which he also composed the music. A year later he created the show “Cult”, for an awards’ show taking place at “The Place”, an important dance center in the United-Kingdom, at which he received the “audience’s

choice” award. The music he writes is an integral part of his shows and continues to accompany his creations to this day. Since founding his own company in 2008, Shechter has staged shows for the Nederlands Dans Theatre in Amsterdam, the Royal Opera House in London, and for some of the most prestigious dance houses in the world. In 2015 he was nominated for a Tony Award for the choreography he created for the production of the Fiddler on the Roof, and that same year, he entered The Stage magazine’s list of the 100 most influential theatre people. In 2018, he was awarded an OBE by Queen Elizabeth II for his service to the arts and culture in the United-Kingdom. Shechter has also taken part in Cédric Klapisch’s latest movie “In Body”, where he plays himself. The film includes scenes from his show

Hofesh Shechter: “artists often get questioned about what the

intentions are behind such and such a creation. I think it has no importance whatsoever. The only thing that matters is what happens on stage and how the audience responds”

Photo: Hugo Glendinning



Lifestyle I Food

6 Manara I Photo: Asaf Karela

kosher restaurants you need to know about

Manara, Tel Aviv Manara ("lighthouse" in Arabic) is a fish restaurant inspired by Mediterranean cuisine located on the first floor of the Sheraton hotel on the Tel Aviv coastline. Its windows look out onto the open sea, from which Chef Nimrod Hadas takes all his inspiration. The menu he has created here is replete with such dishes as sea charcuterie, lightly marinaded sardines, raw fish delights, grilled and cooked fish, and more. The décor is chic, elegant and subdued, allowing the fish to take center-stage. A lovely spot to enjoy a delicious fish dish or a mezze platter aside a cocktail or a glass of wine. manaratlv.com

To satisfy kosher-keeping foodies hungry for fine-dining, great kosher eateries are mushrooming across Israel. Here are six top kosher restaurants even non-observants will rave about for days \ By Sharon Ben-David


Lifestyle I Food

Photo: Noam Prisman

Photo: Amir Menachem

Photo: Sapir Kosa

Lotte, Tiberias With the recent reopening of the Galei Kinneret Hotel, Chef Assaf Granit set himself with a challenge: how to combine the local flavors of Tiberias with the signature style of cuisine his "MahneYehuda" brand is known for. Together with Chef Eliad Danon, at the helm of the restaurant's kitchen, in-depth research was undertaken, and the resulting menu is truly unique: Tiberas-style bresaola, Tunisian cigars, Coal Office eggplant (named after Granit's successful restaurant in London), all dishes that interconnect culinary heritage with modern technique and creativity. galei-kinneret.co.il

Marée Sky Lounge, Netanya Located on the 15 th floor of the Vert Hotel in Netanya, the Marée (“tide” in French) majestically looks out onto the open sea. Chef Aviv Moshe offers an exceptional dining experience in a sea-inspired décor of rocks and coral-shaped chandeliers. The menu is eclectic and creative and includes a vast selection of elegant fish dishes. The open rooftop lounge has its very own DJ stand and diners are invited to prolong their evening outside once their meal is over. maree.co.il

Darya, Tel Aviv The beautiful open view onto the Mediterranean adds to the overall charm of this delightful restaurant located inside Tel Aviv’s Hilton hotel. Chef Hillel Tavakuli who shot to fame with his previous venture Animar, showcases his love for Eurasian cuisine in a menu greatly inspired by his mother Darya. The meal opens with a huge mezze platter as diners choose between continuing with a finger food style meal of small dishes or whether to go for one of the delicious main courses, all replete with the spices and flavors of the Silk Routes of Central Asia. daryatlv.com

300 grams, Moshav Betzet This meat restaurant in the northern moshav of Betzet, is located between a banana plantation, a granary, and a bunch of tractors. Chef Itai Hason offers diners a huge selection of smoked and aged meats, minute-steak, hamburgers, carpaccio, chorizo sausages with sauerkraut and mustard, and more. The extra-hungry will delight in the menu, that includes meat main courses and plenty of wonderful first courses and salads as well, and there's a kids' menu full of great options too. And why 300 grams you might ask? Well, 300 grams happens to be the most popular weight for a cut of meat. 300gramchef.co.il

Photo: Limor Carsenti PR




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Lifestyle I Food

The Palace at the Waldorf Astoria, Jerusalem

The Waldorf Astoria has been the jewel in the crown of Jerusalem hotels for over a decade now. And the Palace restaurant is the jewel of the Waldorf Astoria. Chef Itzik Mizrahi Barak and his team have designed an exceptional menu for the upcoming tourist season, completely renewed and full of surprises. The restaurant itself has had a complete makeover, from plates to décor. The new menu is inspired by Mizrahi Barak’s childhood memories of his parents and grandfather who was one of the founders of the Mahane Yehuda market and includes such dishes as slow-cooked beef cheek, lamb cooked in wine, and a myriad more exquisite dishes. hilton.com

Photo: Asaf Karela

Marketing Content

lovers will meet their match with three different versions, the green shakshuka with spinach and greens, a spicy bacon version, and the classic, with extras of your choice. Since 2006, Benedict has been winning the hearts of locals by redefining Israeli breakfasts and winning many accolades, including Time Out’s “Eating And Drinking Awards”, year after year. THE PICNIC BASKET THAT TOOK THE CITY BY STORM One of the most-loved local experiences is the picnic basket, where you go online, make an order for pick up or delivery, and get a magical picnic spread. Choose your preference from an array of summer boxes that include everything you need.

Various locations: 171 Ben Yehuda St; 29 Rothschild Blvd Open 24/7; Sarona Market Tel Aviv. benedict.co.il Everything here is on point, from the bottomless basket of bread to freshly squeezed O.J. to crispy bacon, fries. Shakshuka Benedict's winning concept was a dream of four friends who wanted to open a stylish restaurant that make the day's first meal a full day vibe, a hub for socializing, a dreamy spot for breakfast adventurers and classic food lovers alike. Jam-packed with every comfort food imaginable, Benedict showcases light meals and over the-top breakfast, with a vast spread of condiments and details from the freshest local ingredients. The global selection makes their menu one- of-a-kind with Steak & Eggs, Croque Monsieur, towering pancakes, potatoes, sausages, French toast, and more.

Breakfast is a huge part of Israeli culture, and Benedict remains a quintessential Israeli experience. The reason is simple; Benedict showcases comfort food and abundance like nowhere else. People come to munch on breakfast at any time of the day Benedict, A Global Breakfast Comfort Feast


Only The Venetian in Vegas is prettier

T he DCITY mall is the largest shopping destination in the Middle East for entertainment and interior design, attracting over four million visitors annually. With a vast selection of furniture and home décor, DCITY boasts more than 200 stores and outlet areas, making it a unique shopping experience that appeals to a broad range of tastes and budgets. The mall's well-designed layout and immersive indoor space, inspired by the grandeur of the Venetian Palace in Las Vegas, create an inspiring and easy to-navigate atmosphere. In addition to its furniture and décor offerings, DCITY also features a wide range of restaurants and food stalls, making it the perfect destination for a day out with friends and family who want to create a great time. DCITY's expert interior designers help visitors design their dream homes, and the mall's state-of-the art venue hosts major events throughout the year, including fashion shows, live music shows, and more. The spacious concert arena is perfect for any event, featuring impressive acoustics and a well-designed and inspiring planning layout. With an exceptional selection, stunning design, and unbeatable prices, DCITY is fast becoming a sought-after destination for anyone interested in designing their home or purchasing new furniture in Israel. It is a must-visit site that showcases the best of what Israel has to offer beyond the sandy beaches. Once you experience this spectacular project, you will understand the power of the place and why it is regarded as one of the most beautiful malls in the region. Located in Ma'ale Adumim, just a short 15-minute drive from Jerusalem

Photos: Courtesy of D-City


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