EL AL | Atmosphere
Check-in I Wellness
The 5 wellness travel trends to look out for in 2023 \ By Shiri Brook-Sagie Holistic Pampering
But take heed: a polar opposite trend is steadily
Sustainable holidays Sustainable holidays have been gaining traction for a while now, as more and more tourists are opting for eco-friendly hotels and accommodation. Indicators show that 2023 will be the year hotels increasingly turn to renewable energy sources and move towards to solar water heaters or basing menus on local and seasonal produce for e.g.). On the more pampering side of things, this also means you can expect chemical-free toiletries in your hotel bathroom, and/or organic wine in the minibar. One of the main wellness travel trends right now is the extreme adventure holiday, in keeping with the prevalent societal rush to improve fitness and athletic performance (who among us doesn’t track their step count?). Adventure holidays are about to get more and more extreme this year, with the appearance of extreme trekking package deals, mountain climbing or summit running holidays, Extreme adventure holidays reducing their carbon footprint (by switching
rising as well, i.e., the workation or “work
vacation”, made for those whose jobs require nothing more than a laptop and an Internet connection. It involves sipping on piña coladas on not-so-desertic islands while sending emails and PowerPoint presentations straight from your bungalow bed - sounds doable, right? Pet holidays And last but by no means least, we have the pet holiday: 2023 is the year Fido finally gets to go on holiday with his beloved master/mistress. More and more hotels and resorts, even high-end ones, are allowing guests to bring their pets along with them. There are even dog-friendly hotel suites that provide special “treat” menus designed to please even the most demanding four-legged gourmets.
martial arts courses, and even diving with sharks or 4 a.m. mountain-biking treks. Retreats for the body and the soul According to wellness tourism experts, 2023 will not only be the year we seek to challenge our bodies - it will also be the year we look for ways to nourish our souls as well. Ever since the pandemic hit, the world has been increasing its focus on mental health (see Prince Harry and Selena Gomez’s respective documentaries and app), with the trend seeping into the world of holidays and tourism as well. But instead of talking about heavy stuff
like emotional well-being etc., it’s rather about yoga or meditation retreats in the middle of beautiful mountainside or lakeside landscapes. Sounds blissful, doesn’t it? Peaceful holidays (or not) One of this year’s main tourism trend is set to be the “off the grid” holiday, where holidaymakers “get out of the matrix” in exotic places where nature is wild and abundant. These holidays are all about disconnecting completely from those time consuming (some may say soul-consuming) modern day entities known as screens and social media.
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