אל על | אטמוספירה
Photo: Ariel Efron
“Boutique”, as well as working on her next album. “Artists are always looking to fulfill new dreams. Though I am lucky enough to have built a strong bond with my audience here in Israel, I also want to do other things that aren’t necessarily mainstream. One such project is my “Late Bloomer” album, produced with an alternative New York label. The songs on it are all in English, and the overall atmosphere is similar to that of my first album. Everything is available now via streaming apps, and in my shows, I do a mix of all of my songs”. She has long been taking her work home with her, as her producer, Guy Mensch, is also her partner. When I ask her about the dynamics of working with one’s partner, she answers with a big smile: “it’s like we’ve created our own start-up: when we’re at the studio together, we turn our phones off and only discuss work matters and music related subjects”. You’ve also become a mother to two girls of 6,5 and 3. How has motherhood influenced your work? “It’s had a huge influence. Motherhood basically healed me. Because I started in the music
business at a very young age, I felt like I needed a big change in my life. It came in the form of motherhood, and the beautiful children I gave birth to”, she says. “Until then, my life had always been 100% about music, and it was getting unhealthy. As the years went by, I began to realize I needed more balance in my life. I now have a monthly calendar with days specifically dedicated to work, and others that are all about my daughters. In the past three years, I’ve also been managing myself. It’s quite rare in this business, but it suits me. I’m my own investor and strategic manager, as well as my harshest critic. It’s what works for me”. Do you still have a dream you want to fulfill? “Definitely. Playing on a European stage is my next goal. The music industry can be very unpredictable, but neither Guy nor I want to ever regret not having tried. We’re doing everything we can to make it happen. And as my grandmother always inspired me to do, we’re walking towards our goals knowing we might not achieve them, but by pouring in the same amount of energy we would if the outcome depended on us alone”.
Our quick questionnaire What makes you laugh? “My best friend Yaeli”. What’s something people don’t know about you?
“That I’m a radical person”. What’s your favorite kind of family fun? “Playing board games”. What do you do in your spare time? “I study”. What would you be doing had you not become a singer? “I’d be a fulltime mom and eternal student”.
Where would you love to travel to? “Iceland”.
for the younger generation, as well as pass on the cultural gifts that I received as a child – the beautiful folk music from the countries of the Soviet Union, classical music, jazz, etc. The festival is my way of combining all of this into one show”. Europe is the dream These days, Maximilian is celebrating the success of her latest hit “Dancing on tables”, the launch of her international album with the label
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