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4 / Use your common sense, set targets, plan ahead, and track your progress Time goes by no matter what you do, so the real question is how to get it to work in your favor rather than the opposite. Everyone knows the old adage by which “time is money”, but do we act according to the wisdom behind it? Time management is all about prioritizing – and not just obsessively focusing on emergencies – but it has to come together with well thought out target setting and progress tracking. management is that it does not amount to wasting time. Creating schedules and timetables with specific time slots for certain tasks, meetings, and matters, is essential to meeting time management goals. Will we ever truly be masters of our time? Studies show that people tend to overestimate what they can achieve in a day but that they underestimate what they can achieve in a year. What does this mean exactly? Put simply, we can’t really manage time. But if we look deeper, we’ll notice there’s room to modulate and influence the only resource that can never be entirely under our control. Time will be passing, no matter what. 5 / Remember - time management isn’t time wasting A fundamental rule of time

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Learn the difference between efficiency and effectivity You may be efficient at creating to do lists, but less effective at reaching your goals. This shows that you picked the wrong task to pursue at the wrong time. Take this true story as an example: a business owner, amid a successful campaign that will help him reach his sales targets for the next two months, chooses to interrupt his marketing activities to take inventory since it was on his to-do list. Inventory was taken to perfection, but he ended up missing his sales target because his marketing campaign ended up losing momentum. This business owner was efficient, but he wasn’t effective. Effectivity means choosing the right task to pursue at the right time. Efficiency is about performing that task the best way possible.

Tal shimshon I Photo: Ortal Meir

"It can be difficult and feel counter-intuitive, but delegating is an essential part of managing a business. Managers should concentrate on making sure everything is working as it should,

they’re job is not to undertake daily operations"

2 / 3 / Differentiate between important and urgent What are business owners and entrepreneurs engrossed with most of the time? That’s right, you guessed it, with whatever is urgent. And

Delegate Yes, I know. It can be difficult and feel counter-intuitive, but delegating is an essential part of managing a business. Managers should concentrate on making sure everything is working as it should, they’re job is not to undertake daily operations. Those should be left to the workers, and it’s paramount that a manager’s role and duties are adequately delineated. In the case of a family “project”, moving houses for instance, make sure each person knows what their role is and create individual timetables for each member of the family so that everyone is clear of what their job is and isn’t.

here the problems begin. When we postpone important tasks, “urgent” tasks start to multiply. Resolve this by allocating time specifically to tasks deemed important so as to avoid wasting time and ending up with a series of emergencies.

The author is the founder and owner of business consultancy firm “Tal Shimshon management masters”.



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