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Let there be water - MASHAV's shared responsibility approach

M ASHAV is Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation at Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. MASHAV was established in 1958 by the late Foreign Minister, Golda Meir, to provide fellow nations with assistance to overcome development challenges by sharing knowhow and technologies. Today,

Israel’s achievements in relieving water stress

Israel is considered one of the most water stressed countries in the world. Yet, Israel is ranked at the top in wastewater usage with more than 85 % of wastewater recycled for agriculture purposes (Spain and Singapore

65 years later and partnering with 140 nations, MASHAV is leading Israel's development cooperation programs and humanitarian assistance efforts. The agency, best known for its capacity building capabilities and "train the

are second best with only 30 % wastewater recycled). Israel leads with only 3 % water loss in the national system ( 20 - 25 % average globally) and 70 % of potable water in Israel is desalinated. MASHAV is committed to

Sharing Israel’s known expertise in Water Management with the world | Eynat Shlein |

trainers" approach, shares Israel's own development experience and innovative methodologies and technologies with other countries. MASHAV’s role in Sustainable Development Goals In recent years, MASHAV has played a leading role in formulating the Sustainable Development Agenda, emphasizing its commitment and adherence to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). We believe that each goal should be analyzed and pursued with full regard to the three dimensions of development: economic, social and environmental. SDG 6 , "clean water and sanitation", in particular is gradually becoming one of MASHAV's pillars, due to growing global concern amid rapid climate changes. According to the UNDP, more countries are experiencing water stress; by 2050 , it is projected that at least one in four people will suffer recurring water shortages (https:// water-and-sanitation). MASHAV is working closely with partner countries to address water challenges and share Israel's uncanny achievements in water management and all related fields.

share its inclusive policies and best practices in water management, encouraging optimal use of water saving technologies in order to increase access to water worldwide. MASHAV assisted the Bahamas ( 2019 ), following Hurricane Dorian. As local wells had been engulfed with seawater and the utility infrastructure was destroyed, tens of thousands of families were left without access to clean water. Supply of bottled water was limited and carried a cost that many were unable to afford.

The Writer is the Head of MASHAV, Deputy Director General, Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Isra-Tech Israeli Technologies Magazine August 2023

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