BGU | MY PATH, Haim Doron, MD


My heartfelt gratitude to my wife Neomi, my son Yeshayahu, and my daughter Hana for their encouragement throughout the course of preparing and writing this work. My thanks to my colleague, the outstanding medical historian Shifra Shvarts, a fellow at the National institute for Health Policy Research. Prof. Shvarts was the one who initiated recording oral histories by a number of figures in the health system that led to audio-taping my story and triggered her suggestion that I write this book. I want to also thank Prof. Gabi Bin Nun who agreed to Prof. Shvarts’ request that he join her in editing the book. Also, to Prof. Shvartz’ research assistant, Aya Bar Oz, for her assistance. In addition, I want to thank the scientific director of the National Institute for Health Policy Research Prof. Alexander (‘Alik’) Aviram; and the Institute’s administrative director Ziva Litvak. I am also grateful to Sigal Sheffer and Bianka Dekel from the National Institute staff and all staff members who played an assistive role in the publishing process. Finally, my deepest gratitude to my dear granddaughter, Rivka Doron, for the extraordinary assistance she rendered me in the task of preparing the manuscript in a published form, particularly during the period when my health declined.

Haim Doron, Jerusalem, 2017


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