אל על | אטמוספירה

Halel Architecture I Tel Aviv apartment. photo by Maor Moyal, by courtesy of Boutique Ceramic

Halel Architecture I house in Raanana. photo by Maor Moyal. by courtesy of Marvin Windows

How to make your dream home come true / By Limor Keler HOME away from Home

antisemitism worldwide since October 7, interest in living in Israel has grown, and the firm saw the need to establish a department specializing in foreign residents, managed by architectural engineer Adi Shani. “Halel Architecture” has learned through experience that the process works well even remotely, with the help of Zoom meetings, simulations, pictures, and videos, making early stage visits to Israel unnecessary. “Instead of tiring them out with early trips to Israel, we take responsibility for the project and treat it as if it were our own baby. We conduct tours of the relevant neighborhood to map out the surroundings, check whether the location is noisy or has environmental issues, or conversely, if it’s near a green area that increases its economic value. Sometimes we Halel Architecture I A House in Tel Aviv. Photo by Oded Smadar

“We are coming to Israel, help us choose a house” – this was the message from a couple with four children living in Chicago, USA, who decided to fulfill their dream and move to Israel. Their children were of school age, and they knew that in two years, when they arrived in Israel, they would want to live in Ra’anana, though they weren’t sure exactly where. Shira Muskal and Hadas Roth, an architect and interior designer, owners of the “Halel Architecture” firm, received the message and knew exactly what to do. In recent years, alongside their architecture and interior design work, they have been leading projects for English-speaking residents who want to settle in Israel but lack the background or knowledge on how to start and whom to contact. “When a family is about to make such

a life-changing move, they don’t know where to begin. In most cases, they will ‘break down’ the process into steps, contacting a real estate agent, a lawyer, and an architect separately, each responsible for their own area of expertise,” they explain. “We centralize the process from A to Z, all remotely. While they are still busy preparing for their move, we are here, connecting with real estate professionals to find them the right home and the best environment for them, including local WhatsApp groups, We also help them choosing the right ‘On paper” project for them , linking them with a lawyer to handle formalities, and, of course, taking care of everything related to the house’s design, contractors, and professionals to build their dream home while staying within budget”. This year, due to the increase in

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