Dear friends, "Strong and broken" has been a recurring refrain since that awful morning of October 7. Considering the scope of the tragedy we faced, the natural instinct might have been to withdraw, to become immobilized by the sheer magnitude of grief and fear. Yet, the spirit of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) remained strong, galvanizing into action rather than succumbing to despair. Our community's response was not of defeat but of mobilization, embodying a profound sense of responsibility not just within our campus but across the entire region. Ironically, on the eve of these attacks, BGU was at the cusp of what promised to be one of our most triumphant years. Fueled by the strategic vision aimed at enhancing our research impact and academic excellence that has guided us over the past four years, we had secured increased support from the Israeli Council of Higher Education. Indeed, this was to be the year we reaped the fruits of our efforts, enabling us to expand our activities and reach throughout our campuses. In the months since the Hamas attack, I have reflected on the essence of BGU, clear that our foundational commitment to transformative education and pioneering research remains as crucial as ever. Yet the new circumstances we find ourselves in necessitate a broader scope. Now, more than ever, we must look towards facilitating the post-conflict reconstruction of the Negev. This means leveraging our extensive networks across multiple sectors to contribute effectively to the rebuilding process. These two approaches are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary, forming the core of our university's strength. If we embrace the two, the sky is the limit! At BGU, we've long been aligned with the vision of a "fifth wave university," a concept championed by Prof. Michael Crow, president of Arizona State University, who will be awarded an honorary doctorate this year. This ethos, which positions universities as key drivers of community growth and prosperity, was evident in our founding vision. When David Ben-Gurion envisioned a Hebrew Oxford in the Negev

back in 1955, he prophesized that this future university would “play a key role in turning the Negev into a flourishing region through scientific research and technological advancements” while building a more just and inclusive society. This has been our guiding mission for the past 54 years. Today, as we navigate the complexities of the ongoing conflict, our mission expands. We are called to integrate more deeply into the fabric of our surrounding community, asking ourselves how we can enhance our impact. Reconstruction is about more than just rebuilding; it's an opportunity to improve the standard of living across the Negev. Our University is poised to make significant contributions in several key areas: research and global solutions , where our interdisciplinary strengths position us to address global challenges effectively; education and access , where our goals include nurturing the untapped potential inherent in the youth of the Negev; economic development and innovation , where we aim to cultivate an entrepreneurial culture that can transform ideas into tangible social and economic opportunities; and social embeddedness and empowerment , where we strive to deepen our engagement with the Negev community, utilizing our resources and expertise to foster societal advancement. As we move forward, BGU is set to become an even more integral force in the Negev's development. Our goal extends beyond mere recovery; we envision a future where the region thrives, buoyed by the myriad activities emanating from BGU. Our dedication to this cause is unwavering. This vision of balance—between enhancing our academic excellence while embracing our societal responsibilities—will guide our efforts.

Here's to a future of meaningful progress, healing, and unity.

I remain eternally grateful for your support,

Prof. Daniel Chamovitz


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

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