Prof. Oded Farago teaching

Ronen Deitchman's physics class at Eshel Hanasi Regional High School


In the wake of the devastating losses suffered by the Ben-Gurion University community in the October 7 attack and subsequent conflict, colleagues have stepped forward to ensure that the work of their fallen peers is completed. These individuals, who included students, staff, and faculty members, were in the midst of their research or nearing completion of their doctoral studies. "It was so important for mothers and fathers to see their children receive their degrees, even after they died, and their research papers completed and published. This is one of the best ways to commemorate them, because it is the work that will live on after their deaths. Research is timeless," remarked Ben-Gurion University President Prof. Daniel Chamovitz. Among the individuals whose work will be carried forward is Dr. Ronit Tal Sultan z”l, who was tragically murdered in Kibbutz Holit at the age of 55. Just days before the attack, Ronit had received approval for her doctoral thesis, researching subversive art in Argentina during the reign of the junta in the 1970s and 1980s, and marking the culmination of over five years of dedicated effort. Her advisor, Dr. Ronit Milano, recalled the joy

that she expressed upon learning of the approval, highlighting her perseverance and commitment to her research. Adam and Tom, Ronit’s two sons, will receive their mother’s posthumous doctorate at the next academic degree ceremony. ״THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST WAYS TO COMMEMORATE THEM, BECAUSE IT IS THE WORK THAT WILL LIVE ON AFTER THEIR DEATHS. RESEARCH IS TIMELESS.״ Another promising student, Gideon Ilani z”l, 35, was pursuing a doctorate in astrophysics and was preparing to submit several papers for publication before his untimely death in combat in Gaza. His advisor, Prof. Uri Keshet, intends to submit at least two of these papers under Ilani's name and has petitioned the University Senate to grant him his doctorate posthumously. Ilani's dream was to publish his research, complete his doctorate, and join the defense industry. If approved, his wife Esther, who is pregnant with their seventh child, and their other six children will accept the degree in his memory. Shani Kupervaser z”l, 28, had just begun her doctoral studies in game theory in the Department of Economics when she was murdered at the Nova party in Re'im. Together with her advisor, Dr. David Lagziel, she was studying the


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

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