Dedication of the Dov Chernichovsky Auditorium

Launch of the Aliyah to Academia Program, with Dr. Yuri Kanner, Vice President of the World Jewish Congress (R)

This interest is exemplified in the growth of the Halutz Initiative for Global Leadership. This immersive program turns BGU and the Negev into a platform for understanding today's global challenges and becoming part of the solutions. This year, we welcomed our second Halutz cohort, a fantastic group of 15 participants from 7 countries, who will become vehicles for change through this program. In the years to come, each of our new partners will forge new networks of support for BGU research and activities while helping build a better world. BGU IS PART OF THE SOLUTION, AND AS SUCH, OFFERS PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD A WAY TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION, TOO But to fulfill our dreams for the University and become the best BGU possible, we will need to expand our global network of friends and supporters further. We must seek partnerships with more people and institutions around the globe who understand the strategic importance of BGU for the future of Israel and the world. Our success in realizing BGU's potential will depend on the commitment of our long-time supporters – families and individuals who played an instrumental role in BGU's establishment and whose second and third generations continue to help the University thrive today – as well as new connections with people who aren't yet familiar with us or live in regions where we don't have an associates organization. Likewise, our success will rely on the involvement of philanthropists and foundations with an

illustrious history of giving, as well as people new to the world of philanthropy, who will come to see BGU as a vehicle for more significant personal impact, a means of fulfilling cherished values, and a way of working toward a more critical, collective purpose. These partnerships will emerge from the strong foundation created by our worldwide associates organizations who actively raise awareness of BGU among new audiences and long-time friends in their communities by hosting events and activities. They are also those we rely on to raise funds by developing and maintaining close relationships with our current and future supporters. This year, the Division of Public Affairs and Resource Development has worked closely with our associates organizations and bolstered their efforts. The Global Development Committee, headed by Toni Young, is also critical to our efforts to welcome new people to the BGU family and raise additional funds on behalf of the University. Established in 2021, the Committee furthers collaboration between our associates organizations to achieve BGU's fundraising goals. Under Toni's leadership, the committee prepared a global resource development plan focused on three areas: 1. Translating the strategic plan into a fundraising campaign. 2. Developing the North Campus, Sde Boker, and Eilat campuses. 3. Engaging with our current and future friends and supporters.


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

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