With the pandemic continuing into this year, the University took a range of actions to protect the BGU community's health while continuing teaching and research activity. The Human Resources Division, for example, adapted by switching to partial remote work, all the while responding to the special needs of staff members during this trying period. The Operations Division and the Construction and Maintenance Division adapted 105 classrooms and seminar rooms for hybrid teaching by installing advanced multimedia equipment that enables both in-class and remote learning, at a total investment of NIS 5 million. Furthermore, as part of the regular upkeep of teaching facilities, the multimedia systems of 40 additional classrooms were upgraded. A dedicated staff member was hired to maintain these multimedia systems, to ensure a high level of service. The Operations Division coordinated the University's emergency response array, including preparing procedures and disseminating instructions for dealing with the pandemic, managing a coronavirus motel for those requiring isolation, conducting epidemiological investigations, and running rapid testing and immunization centers on campus. Over the past year, the University completed the adaptation of all buildings for accessibility to people

with disabilities – a NIS 28 million project. This multi-year project included changing the signage on all campuses, converting restrooms, and installing elevators and lifts, acoustic ceilings, and accessible computer terminals, as well as seating areas, benches, and water fountains. 105 CLASSROOMS AND SEMINAR ROOMS WERE ADAPTED FOR HYBRID TEACHING BY INSTALLING ADVANCED MULTIMEDIA EQUIPMENT THAT ENABLES BOTH IN-CLASS AND REMOTE LEARNING Despite the disruptions of the coronavirus pandemic, the physical development of the University continued as scheduled and the new Student Village, encompassing 14 buildings with a total area of 32,600 square meters, was completed. Students moved into eight buildings in the first stage. We were thrilled by the high demand

Student Village

14 buildings

950 beds

32,600 sq. meters


President's Report 2022

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