BGU & YOU | Spring 2024


Valentine and Philippe Mauchard Dumont Co-Presidents, Belgians for BGU

to Israel in January, we were struck by the sense of resilience and hope among our friends, both in Belgium and in Israel. It was a confusingly good feeling, a reminder that even in the face of tragedy, there is strength in unity. The one-sided and naive reactions of many in the Western world have only served to strengthen our resolve. As one of our non-Jewish friends in Brussels remarked, those who care for us will continue to support us, no matter what. Now more than ever, we must support and promote the work of Ben-Gurion University. Now more than ever, supporting BGU is a way to do good for ourselves and for the world. In the words of the scholar Hillel, "If not now, when?"

In the aftermath of the horrors of October 7, we feel more than ever that it is NOW that matters the most. Now more than ever, we feel a close bond to Israel and the Zionist project. Now more than ever, we feel that every Jew should embody the spirit of Israel, and vice versa. We prevail when we are together. And that is probably ultimately what those who dislike Israelis and Jews find objectionable: we stay strong no matter what, especially when we are together, and we keep looking forward. No matter what. Despite the incomprehensible nature of the ongoing conflict, the resilience of those most affected is an immense source of inspiration. During our visit

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