Recruitment and retention of the best and brightest young researchers is a vital part of our efforts to become a leading global institution. This year we welcome some 30 outstanding new faculty members, and we look forward to their breakthroughs and scientific advances. NEW FACULTY MEMBERS STELLAR CROP of BGU WELCOMES

Photo: Dana Amir

Photo: Tamar Abadi

DR. JACOB ABOLAFIA Department of Philosophy

DR. MICHAL BEN-NAFTALI Department of Hebrew Literature

DR. YOSSI DAVID Department of Communication Studies

DR. OR DUEK Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Community Health Sciences

DR. TAL GOLAN Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Experiments always reveal something more complex and interesting than the initial question you set out to answer Dr. Victor Yashunsky

DR. SHIRLEY HANDELZALTS Department of Physiotherapy

DR. ASSAF KLEIMAN Department of Bible Studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East

DR. DILIA KOOL Department of Environmental, Geoinformatic and Urban Planning Sciences

DR. MORAN KOREN Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

DR. ELAD LEVINTAL Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research

DR. MENNY MALKA Charlotte B. and Jack J. Spitzer Department of Social Work

DR. ILAN MANOR Department of Communication Studies

DR. MAYA MARK Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

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