BGU & YOU | Spring 2024


Halutz Program

Engages with Negev

at a Transformative Moment

Now in its third year, Ben-Gurion University’s Halutz Initiative for Global Leadership forges an elite community dedicated to realizing the visionary spirit of Israel's founding father, David Ben Gurion. Fifteen fellows from nine countries made up this year’s cohort of future leaders. encountered BGU and Israel at an unprecedented, momentous, and challenging time. In addition to the war's obvious toll on the country, it has also had significant impact on the Jewish world, providing Yet, unlike previous cohorts, this year’s participants

a pretext for openly antisemitic discourse and attacks worldwide, which makes educating more ambassadors about Ben-Gurion's vision a priority. Jessica Cogan, a Halutz fellow from Canada, explained: “It is the responsibility of Zionists in the Diaspora to be able to educate others about Israel and its many contributions. Any way that I can help to advocate for Israel and educate others about the tremendous research and advances coming from the country and BGU specifically, is an opportunity that I would love

to embrace. Israel needs strong, knowledgeable, and principled leaders and advocates in the world, especially at this time.” During their week-long seminar in Israel in April, the Halutz fellows met with Israeli policymakers, community leaders and other agents of change. They explored BGU's Marcus Family Campus, engaging with researchers and learning about the university's innovation ecosystem and its commitment to advancing the Negev through synergy, entrepreneurship, and collaboration. This was a

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